Zerlina Chen

My name is Zerlina and I’m currently majoring in Marketing. I don’t have a favorite book but Flowers For Algernon is the one book I can re-read multiple times. I love eating but I’m very picky about what I eat. I don’t like anything with dairy; that includes pizza, ice cream, frozen yogurt and etc. I’d take the cheese out of my pizza, substitute sorbet for ice cream, and not eat fro-yo at all. The only form of exercise I enjoy is pilates.

“In addition, I argue that it is a mistake to approach globalization itself as a contemporary phenomenon and that it makes more sense to take a historical view in which globalization is dated as beginning in at least the sixteenth century and covering a time span that includes the long histories of imperialism, colonization, decolonization, and post colonialism. This is both a historically sound approach to globalization and it has the practical benefit of historicizing literary and cultural studies, rescuing it from those who see globalization as a strictly contemporary or postmodern phenomenon.”

The author Paul Jay is attempting to denounce that globalization is a contemporary phenomenon by stating that it dates all the way back to the sixteenth century. If that was the case, where is the ‘historicizing literary and cultural studies’ that prove so. I agree with Paul Jay that globalization existed in the past (i.e.. Silk Road) however globalization in literature is not as evident.

About Zerlina Chen

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