Student Introductions – Michael Jemal


Hello, my name is Michael Jemal and I am currently a Junior at Baruch. I am majoring in real estate investment and minoring in communications. One of my favorite books that I read recently is The Liar’s Ball by Vicky Ward. The book talks about the exciting history of the General Motors Building on Fifth Avenue, and how so many NYC Real Estate Tycoons would have done anything to buy that building.

“As some scholars define globalization as a contemporary phenomenon linked to the development of electronic media, the rise of transitional corporations, global financial institutions, and proliferating forms of entertainment that easily leap national boundaries, others define it as a historical phenomenon running back to at least the sixteenth century and incorporating the histories of colonization, decolonization, and post colonialism. “

I was a little confused of how Jay was defining globalization here. He brought up very different definitions. These sentences are part of Jay’s introduction. Overall the text was a little complicated, in terms of the wording to read. But I understood the general message he was trying to send.

About Michael Jemal

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