Assignment Due 3/29.

In The Odyssey of Homer, there are several scenes where characters disguise themselves in the books. Towards the end of book 13, Athene tells Odysseus that she will make him look like a beggar so that no one can recognize him, “but come now, let me make you so no moral can recognize you. For I will wither the handsome flesh that is on your flexible limbs, and ruin the brown hair on your head, and about you put on such a clout of cloth any man will load the when he sees you wearing it; I will dim those eyes, that have been so handsome, so you will be unprepossessing to all the suitors…” (396-404). In book 14, when Odysseus arrives at swineherd’s home disguised as a beggar, he is treated very kindly by Eumaios who opens up to him and about Odysseus leaving to fight in Troy thinking that he is dead. Odysseus still disguised as a beggar tells Eumaios that Odysseus is not dead, that he will come back. Eumaios doesn’t really believe him but it brings him hope about Odysseus coming back. He then brings the beggar more food and wants to treat him the best he can. Odysseus is touched how kindly Eumaios treats him.

About Marzena Wawrzaszek

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