Close Reading Passage Options


The Odyssey:

  1. Book 22, lines 461 – 476 (page 3, Beginning “Now the thoughtful Telemachus began speaking..” ending: “…lopped off his hands and feet, in fury of anger”)
  2. Any section of the bed scene (pages 339-341, Book 22 lines 150- 295 – don’t do the whole thing, choose a portion)
  3. Passage of your choosing from Books 20 – end

The Penelopiad:

  1. Pages 81-82 (Beginning of chapter “Waiting”)
  2. Page 89 beginning “Despite all this busyness…” through page 90 to “he got home again”
  3. Page 139 beginning “The songs claim…” to page 140, “unending sorrow” (in Yelp of Joy)

The Tale of Genji:

-Passage of your choosing

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