Green Day – Boulevard of Broken Dreams

This song is in duple meter. The rhythm of the song is kept by the strumming of an acoustic guitar at the opening, and throughout the song (Starting at about 0:47) a bass guitar and drums are present.

The song’s dynamic changes from quiet to quite loud, and back several times (depending on what part of the song is playing). When the lead singer sings the lines that begin with, “I walk a lonely road…”, “read between the lines…” — the dynamic is on the quieter side. Beginning with the line, “My shadow’s the only one who walks beside me” (and for the next three lines) the dynamic is noticeably louder.

The actual melody is emphasized by the tune played (and repeated) by the electric guitar throughout the song

Throughout the song, there are several accompaniments:
1) The echoing guitar
2) During the louder dynamic(s), the electric guitar plays loudly as an accompaniment
3) There is some piano accompaniment throughout the song (mostly in the background)
4) The electric guitar plays several two-note (chords?) after the singer has completed a line (at certain points throughout the song).

Instrumentation/Timbre :
The song has a haunted sounding timbre in the beginning, it sounds like something from the past that has collected dust. This morphs into something more vibrant throughout the song, although the hue I imagine is one with more faded colors — it feels a little retro.

At certain parts of the song, the timbre is more energetic (like the chorus parts).


Part A starts at 0:24 and lasts until 1:12…
at which point Part B [chorus] begins (1:13) and lasts until 1:35…
…then there is a recovery period (for lack of vocabulary….) from 1:35 until 1:45…
where Part A comes back from 1:46 until  2:25…
at which point we can welcome Part B [chorus] again (2:26) which lasts until 2:47…
again, there is a “recovery” period from 2:48 – 2:57…
and Part B comes back on at 2:58 (without words) until 3:22…
at 3:23, Part A returns for 10 seconds (until 3:33)…
and Part B comes back at 3:34 and lasts until 3:58…
where Part C enters (3:58ish) and lasts until the song is over.

3 thoughts on “Green Day – Boulevard of Broken Dreams

  1. Henry Wei

    This song is a nice choice with all the changes in dynamics and different instruments being used at different times. I also liked how you went into deep detailed work into this song.

  2. Yung Shon

    Great song to listen to. The song starts relatively of low notes and gets loud starting 1:12. It although the dynamics of the song changes with louder pitch, the tempo stays the same. I like the guitar-drum combination that lasts about 25 seconds from 2:58 to 3:25.


    Going along with your description of a haunted sound, one thing that should have been mention that this song is in minor scale.

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