Dan Black ft. Kid Cudi- Symphonies


Dan Black ft. Kid Cudi – Symphonies


This song is in duple meter and is playing a moderate tempo for the most part, but then at (2:27) the song starts to go into a slow tempo and back to moderate tempo at (2:51) The rhythm is kept together by a faint piano in the background.


The song is using a minor scale. The melody is consistent mostly until the drum and cymbal were introduced at (0:11). At (0:22)-(0:25) the melody disappears then reappears, with only the piano and cymbal present. Dan Black and Kid Cudi vocals are both using lower pitches, which are consistent. The piano becomes the accompaniment to the drum.


The pianos and drum are playing in harmony. You can hear some modulation at (1:26), (2:29), and (0:22). There is consonance to the song as the pitches go together.


In the song you can hear a piano and a drum being played. The drums bring an upbeat liveliness to the song. The piano gives you soothing, calm, and a relax feeling.


‘Symphonies’ is in a Ternary form with 3 sections to it. There is repetition for the most part of the song. From the beginning of the song till (2:27) would be A. Secondly (2:27)-(2:51) is B. Then finally after (2:51) we would go back to A to finish up the song.


The dynamics of the song is at ‘mp’ for moderately soft.


Since the song has one main melody the drum with accompaniment of the piano the texture of ‘Symphonies’ is homophonic.

3 thoughts on “Dan Black ft. Kid Cudi- Symphonies

  1. jennifer waldman

    I really like your song choice. I’m a kid cudi fan myself and i love the strings in the back and the use of a soft background chorus, but I think the song is duple meter instead of triple meter.


    This is a great song, mainly because of its tempo and dynamic. I like how you describe the timbre of the drums and piano, and I do agree that they bring calmness and relaxation to the song.

  3. Amy Zeng

    I think this song is very unique. I thought that the beginning of the song sounded like the tone in Rihanna’s Umbrella. Even though these two songs are completely different, I like both of the songs . He also used a holy kind of melody in the beginning which I found very out of the box.

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