Author Archives: Mykola Toropov

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About Mykola Toropov


Preview- Beethoven, Mozart, Messiaen, and Murail at New York Philharmonic (4/12)


  •  Messiaen – Les Offrandes oubliées
  • Mozart – Piano Concerto No. 23
  • Tristan Murail – Le Désenchantement du monde
  • Beethoven – Symphony No. 2

Venue: Avery Fisher Hall, Manhattan, NY

Performers: David Robertson, Conductor; Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Piano



Beethovens second symphony was one of the final early Beethoven works, his deafness was already taking him so his future compositions wouldn’t be the same. Around this time in Beethovens life he had revealed his deafness, and he was also coming to terms with it. The symphony is in D major, but like other Beethoven works it didn’t fit the standard form of other symphony’s. Beethovens second symphony is one of the least performed out of all his other symphony’s.

Beethoven was  a composer during the bridge between previously dominate classical era music and to the new genre romantic music. Since he was at this bridge in genres his music didn’t fit into the standards of each period they were all in between or  even just uniquely composed to Beethovens personal preferences, and maybe that is why he ignore common structure, and this breaking away made him more unique and popular, even though not all his works are praised.

Cooper, Barry. Beethoven. Boston: Oxford UP, 2000. Print.


Animals – “House Of The Rising Sun”

The house of the rising sun is played in what seems to be triple meter, the song is quick but their is a steady tempo, which the bass guitars and the drums keep. Its really easy to identify the down beats because all the instruments play on it along with the singer, this happens throughout most of the song.

The chorus is steady as well, the singer brings up the main melody and he sings 3 beats per measure but the background melody played by the instruments seems to be at 6 beats per measure, so this song is homophonic. Most of the song is on a major scale but at certain points it seems to go into the minor scale around the 2 min 10 sec mark but then it comes back up later in the song to the major scale.

The song doesn’t have a lot of diversity in it, the piece is very steady with a build up and a fall throughout. That is what makes it very appealing to the ears, the chords alternate and they support this structure.

Within the song you can hear chords throughtout, they are part of the accompainment being played but it seems like their are only a few being played maybe 4or 5 different cords. The dynamics of the song change a lot throughout the song they build up then fall and build up again, this setup gives the song a very nice flow. Overall the song is steady, its structured around the chorus, and  it tells you a story.




"The melody is definitely homo-phonic even though the dynamics of the accompaniment are on the same level of the singer, you can tell because the beat just repeats for the instruments."
posted on Mar 1, 2013, on the post Caught Me Thinking by Bahamas

"The song sounds like its homo-phonic but the guitar seems to blend and play the same melody as the singer at certain. Also if you listen to her voice she has a sort of echo effect going, can that change the texture to monophonic?"
posted on Mar 1, 2013, on the post Christina Aguilera – “Fighter”

"Are you sure the song is in the minor scale it does give you that feeling of sadness but then again it seems to resolve itself. i also really like the song I've heard it before but didn't know who the artist was."
posted on Mar 1, 2013, on the post Oasis – Wonderwall