Reference at Newman Library

Access Problems with Ebook Central (formerly ebrary) Fixed

The problems we were seeing with access to ebooks on the new Ebook Central platform should now be gone. Since ProQuest moved CUNY’s ebook collections from the ebrary platform to Ebook Central last Wednesday, we were unable to connect to the full text from off campus. After much back and forth with ProQuest’s tech support staff and after my endless fiddling with the settings file in our EZproxy server that enables off campus access, we were able to get things working again.

If there are any ebook access problems you encounter, please report them to Mike Waldman or me.

New Platform for ebrary Coming Soon

This is just a heads up that later this year, ProQuest will migrate ebrary over to its new Ebook Central platform. Once the migration takes places, we’ll do the usual things on the database page when a resource gets renamed:

  • Keep the original database listing for a limited time with a note mentioning the new name (“ebrary is now called Ebook Central”)
  • Eventually rename the original listing and move it as needed to a different tab on the Databases page (a pointer at the old resource name may remain for a while that will link to the tab where the newly renamed link can be found)

It looks like all existing ebrary URLs we have in the catalog (and that we may have added to research guides or e-reserves) will automatically redirect to the new platform once that platform is live.

More details here from ProQuest.

Planned Downtime for ProQuest Databases on 28 February

Beginning at 10 pm Eastern time on Saturday, February 28, and continuing for up to five hours, ProQuest databases and services will be down for planned site maintenance. This affects:

  • ABI/INFORM Global
  • Alt-PressWatch
  • American Periodicals
  • Books in Print
  • ebrary
  • Ethnic NewsWatch
  • Gannett Newsstand
  • GenderWatch
  • New York Times (1851-2010)
  • PAIS International
  • RefWorks
  • Wall Street Journal (1889-1997)

It may also affect the display of book jacket art in the catalog and OneSearch, as ProQuest also owns the Syndetics service that provides that art.

All ProQuest Databases Down on February 15

On Saturday, February 15, beginning at 10 pm and continuing for up to eight hours, all ProQuest databases will be offline for scheduled maintenance. Affected databases and services include:

  • ABI/INFORM Global
  • Alt-PressWatch
  • American Periodicals
  • EthnicNewsWatch
  • Gannett Newsstand
  • GenderWatch
  • New York Times (1851-2010)
  • PAIS International
  • ProQuest Digital Microfilm
  • RefWorks
  • Wall Street Journal (1889-1996)

This will not affect ebrary (it will be available during the maintenance work).

More details from ProQuest.