Post Check-Ins

Post Check Ins:  

On scheduled dates (see below or syllabus), I will check in on your posts, and I will grade a post of your selection.  Your “Post Check-In” grade will be determined by:

i. whether or not you are up-to-date in all your posting [50 percent]

ii. the grade  you receive for your selected post.  The selected post is the post that you select to be graded for that check in.  (You select a post to be graded, by checking the category box saying “post check-in”) [50 percent]

Selected Post Grade

Your selected post will be graded based on:

i. whether or not it adheres to the guideline for the particular type of post

ii. whether it includes textual quotes with accurate page citations

iii. the clarity of the language and adherence to the general post guidelines

Post Check-in Dates [with # of posts you should have completed by that date]

Wed., September 2nd [1 posts]

Wed., September 30th [4 posts]

Wed., October 21st [6 posts]

Wed., November 25th [9 posts]



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