Steve Jobs once said, “Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer… because it teaches you how to think.”
Technology is everywhere, and every job position requires the applicant to be familiar with several programs, including software like WordPress, Adobe Suite and Microsoft Office. It’s not enough to take C.I.S. classes to stay up to date on coding because like medicine, law, language and mathematics, coding isn’t something that is simply studied but rather is practiced. It helps with critical thinking and problem solving. Coders don’t simply tackle problems by diving head-on, but instead analyze a problem by breaking it down and working on individual pieces. When you practice coding your brain is ingrained with the program and helps give rise to more creative solutions.
Thousands of organizations rely on technological advancement to move forward. According to Evan Leong, the founder of Fount, coding will “vastly increase your potential in becoming a valuable asset at any organization.” Even when applying for a job, it help gives an applicant a competitive edge over others.
The Baruch CIS Department encourages students to follow these links (provided below) to help students brush up on their coding skills.
Book: Cracking-The-Coding-Interview
The Baruch C.I.S. Department also provide a simulated interviewing experience that IBM practices throughout their hiring process. Their format has been included below for your reference.
Format for IBM Coding Challenge:
The Coding Challenge consists of 8 questions: 5 questions will require a video response and 3 questions will require coding using the software program of your choice. The video questions, will display on-screen text, giving you enough time to prepare for your answer. You will then have several minutes to record your answer. You do not need to use the full time given.