One of the best ways to receive college credit, and even possibly get paid to do so, is doing an internship for college credit! The Baruch curriculum may seem a bit daunting at first in terms of the credit requirement, so why not kill 2 birds with one stone and earn money as well as credits?
- To receive academic credit, you must to be admitted into one of the 3 schools in Baruch: Zicklin School of Business, Marxe School of Public Affairs, or Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
- If you obtain an internship and would like to receive credit for that internship, go to the internship for college credit guide to find out who to reach out to, in order to get that internship approved for credit.
- To do so, go on on
- Click the “students” drop down window
- Click “internships”
- Scroll down to where it says “credit” and click on the documentfor “internships for college credit guide”
- Look for the subject you’re applying for and make sure you meet the criteria of the internship.
- Reach out to the advisor of the internship to get it approved for credit!
Happy interning (for credit)!