Baruch College Center for Teaching and Learning
Category: <span>By Discipline</span>

Italian Cinema and Culture

“A significant advantage to taking a hybrid course is that you will be able to engage in discussions and debates with your classmates and professor whenever and wherever it is convenient for you. The intention of this is to encourage lively, interactive, informative exchanges about course-related themes that expand your knowledge base. But, it’s up to YOU to make this happen!”
—Prof. Antonietta D’Amelio

Writing II: Translingual and Transcultural Practices

“My course met face to face on Tuesdays and in hybrid form on Thursdays. Typically, Thursday “class” activities consisted of discussions board activities in which students looked at model texts, analyzing them by applying elements of the readings. I read through these responses and pulled out themes to begin face to face discussions on Tuesdays.”
— Prof. Brooke Schreiber

Great Works of Literature

“This assignment asks students to add a tale to The Thousand and One Nights on the course blog. Through an act of creative imitation that exploits the Nights’ additive structure, students participate in the text’s history of multi-author composition. They also prepare for a face-to-face discussion analyzing its intricate narrative form, and the relation of form to content.”
—Prof. Laura Kolb

Introduction to Formal Logic (Philosophy)

“The approach to designing this course was somewhat ambitious. [We] wanted to develop a complete course package, including a textbook, video lecture series, and course website (with automatically graded homework assignments); it should be easy for other instructors to use and adapt; and, it should be designed in such a way as to be adaptable to use as a fully-online course.”
—Profs. Jesse Rappaport and Eric Mandelbaum

Usability, Privacy and Security (CIS)

“Th[is] Hybrid course artifact . . . is the “Leaky Apps” Discussion Board. This is a two-week online assignment where students are asked to conduct online research to find a recent news item regarding a mobile app that has leaked (i.e. revealed personal information about its users without their consent).”
—Prof. Raquel Benbunan-Fich

Seminar in Higher Education Administration

“This assignment works to blur the boundaries between online and F2F sessions and capitalizes on the strengths of each. I’ve organized the course schedule so that students have time to work on this planning process both online asynchronously and in person so that they can both divide up the tasks and collaborate efficiently.”
—Prof. Rachel Smith

Survey of Art History

“As the semester progressed I learned to trust their contributions to their own learning. It was a real challenge to let go of my control of the learning. But once I did, I saw a vast improvement in student retention of the material. The student-led learning that was a necessary component of the hybrid subsequently became an integral part of all of my courses in the following semesters.”
—Prof. Karen Shelby