Writing II KMWF

Eileen Carino Salas Blog 1

Hello, My name is Eileen and I am a freshman here at Baruch. My major is business management but I hope to work in real estate in the future.

A special piece of art that represents me is my dog Jerry. Jerry Is a 11 year old shih tzu who I have had since I was 7 years old. For these past years he has been my best friend and the only one who shares every bit of my happiness with. He has been there for the lowest parts of my life as well was the best parts of my life. As someone who lives in a household with 10 other family members I have been the one to take most responsibility for him such as to make sure he was always fed and taken out to use the bathroom. Having a dog has allowed me to enjoy nature more and go on many adventures that I wouldn’t have wanted to do alone. He always brings me joy once I step into my house because he always jumps and shows excitement. Jerry has also been one of my first encounters with animals, having him and building responsibilities with him has allowed me to be confident in being around and taking care of other animals. I have grown to be a big animal person because it makes the characteristic of being fun for me. Overall, this piece of art represents me because it shows where my characteristics of happiness, excitement, and adventurous come from.

Alexis’ Blog 1

Hello, my name is Alexis Sanchez and this is the piece of art that I chose that reflects myself. It is a picture of a time with my best friend at a beach in New York from four years back and it was such a fun time. We had the beach all to ourselves and it was a great day to be alive. The weather was really nice and we were at a beautiful beach with a serene, calm environment that resonates with me as a person. I feel like the entire vibe of that beach suited me as I really like being in peaceful and relaxed environments, which reflects who I am as a person. Having that day and beach to enjoy with someone that I have known ever since I was born was something that I cannot take for granted.

I am a big person when it comes to family, and the person within the picture is somebody that I consider to be very close with me. He is the closest thing to a brother for me and the picture is something that I love looking back at because it expresses the quality of our friendship and the great moments that we have experienced together. The picture reflects the family energy that I have within my life and it is a big part of who I am as a person. His mother was also with us as she was the one who took the picture and she is another person that I am close to and it is always great to be around her. The picture as a whole represents the calm, sunny and peaceful energy that I have within myself along with being around people that I consider family which is something that is a big part of who I am.

Blog 1

Hi! My name is Fatima and I’m 18. I’m currently in my second semester of my first year. I chose this picture I took as my piece of art. I took this picture in the small country of Kuwait in the Middle East, about 2 weeks ago. My mom is from Kuwait and we usually go back every other year to visit her family. I saw this man sitting on by the water, feeding multiple cats. This picture represents me because I also love cats, but deeper than that, I love the calmness. This picture radiates calm and refreshing energy to me. I’m a pretty calm person, so I related to this picture in that way. The boats are all docked in the background and the water was very calm, further pushing the serenity vibes.

I had taken this picture pretty late into the night, and there weren’t many people around, so seeing this man sitting with cats should’ve felt weird, but I thought it was nice and wholesome. I’d like to think I’m a nice and caring person, which is another way I relate to this picture. Also, this picture being set in Kuwait relates to me, of course, as it reminds me of home and peace. There’s always some crazy stuff happening in the world, especially in New York, so being able to go back home and see little things like people feeding cats while sitting by the water really feels refreshing. Overall, it’s mainly the calmness of this photo that I relate to. 

Lesly’s first blog :)

Hello, my name is Lesly and my pronouns are she/her(s). My piece of art is my puppy sheila. I used to have another dog, her name was samantha, and Sheila is one of her babies. In total there are 8 puppies in the family but only Sheila lives with me. I consider Sheila my piece of art because I treat her like she is art and she helps me in so many ways. Every moment of my life, I remember Sheila being there celebrating with me and when my anxiety gets the best of me, Sheila was always there to sit on my lap or nudge her head into my arm when she wants cuddles. Having her as my baby has taught me responsibility  and time management. She is my puppy and I have to make sure she is healthy and happy always. It is always so much fun talking her on walks and it also helps me clear my mind.  I can dress her up when I dress up and when it’s a bummy day we sleep for the whole day. I like to think Sheila reflects off of my energy so I try to be positive around her. I’ve had Sheila since I was a 7 and throughout this journey, I’ve realized Sheila is pretty smart. She communicates with me, not with words obviously, but with her actions and where she lays down next too let’s me know what she wants. She’s my tiny friend.  She knows a lot of tricks and I try and teach her more now but she doesn’t seem to want to learn. :3 Overall, Sheila means a lot to my family and I. She is art in many ways and she is simply beautiful to look at.