Writing II KMWF

Alexis’ Blog 1

Hello, my name is Alexis Sanchez and this is the piece of art that I chose that reflects myself. It is a picture of a time with my best friend at a beach in New York from four years back and it was such a fun time. We had the beach all to ourselves and it was a great day to be alive. The weather was really nice and we were at a beautiful beach with a serene, calm environment that resonates with me as a person. I feel like the entire vibe of that beach suited me as I really like being in peaceful and relaxed environments, which reflects who I am as a person. Having that day and beach to enjoy with someone that I have known ever since I was born was something that I cannot take for granted.

I am a big person when it comes to family, and the person within the picture is somebody that I consider to be very close with me. He is the closest thing to a brother for me and the picture is something that I love looking back at because it expresses the quality of our friendship and the great moments that we have experienced together. The picture reflects the family energy that I have within my life and it is a big part of who I am as a person. His mother was also with us as she was the one who took the picture and she is another person that I am close to and it is always great to be around her. The picture as a whole represents the calm, sunny and peaceful energy that I have within myself along with being around people that I consider family which is something that is a big part of who I am.