Writing II KMWF

Blog 10

I took this photo from one of the art museums in Savannah, Georgia, in 2017. This piece of artwork just made me feel special because without inspecting it closely, you won’t find out the little nuances and details in the work. This piece was created by sand and a model of a person who works at the farm. The original photo did not look like this; it did not have enough shadow on the picture and the colors of the photo were not bright or obvious enough to pick up the detail that is a person’s imprint on the sand due to work. I purposely add more light on the table and more shadow on the background in order to emphasize the person’s imprint. With this change, the atmosphere becomes different; it makes viewers more focused on this piece of artwork. In addition, it also has an effect similar to that of a performer on a stage, as if this whole table is the stage for this worker to put his/her imprint on wherever  he/she decides to go. In my opinion, the contrast between the color brightness can cause a direct vision conflict. When I was there, the person was small enough to notice what was that. I believe that the artwork expresses the message to viewers that as long as you work hard enough, you will leave an imprint anywhere you want.

Blog 10

This picture was taken on January 4, 2019, which was before the Covid-19 pandemic. It was around 7AM and I took this picture on my way to school. I didn’t really edit the picture because I want to highlight the beautiful view of the sky. I only changed the setting to vivid which made the picture a little brighter or more colorful. The purpose of this photo shows how much things have changed because of the pandemic. The picture was taken on the train, which was much safer before the pandemic. At the time, you actually felt safe on a subway and it was a place where you could listen to music and relax. Nowadays, many individuals view the subway system as unsafe, especially with the recent subway shooting incident. Looking at this picture, it might give the audience a sense of comfort because the world used to be a brighter and safer place.

Blog 10


I took this in early march at the 42nd street station during the higher tensions of Russia invading Ukraine. It spells President Biden’s name and the “I” and “E” of his name are replaced with a Vacccine and Russian’s “hammer and Sickle”. The only change to the original picture was that I made it black and white. I feel like this added more emotion from the intial viewer of the photo which makes it sad and could enrage the viewer too. I also like how part of the letter B is cut off and part of the N is also cut off which could add suspicion from the viewer to show that people from New York simply don’t care about Biden and these conspiracies made from spelling his name like that. I want this photo to market the level of interest that New Yorkers possibly have towards our president and wonder who actually put it there in the first place. I think both the color of the picture and the name itself would work together massively to appeal to audiences who know both about politics or it kept up to date with what is happening in Russia.

Blog 10

This picture is from my trip to Miami earlier this year. It is not meant to be an abstract piece of art but it does have memories connected to it. Susan’s “On Photography” talks about collecting the world in her pictures and I agree with her. More than just collecting images of where you have gone, you also bring the memories with you. Every person takes pictures because something caught their attention or is significant enough to photograph the moment. I added brightness to my picture to make the clear blue sky pop out and the trees as well. I also used the .5 feature that apple provides to span out your camera view. When I look at my pictures I get happy because I remember the warm sun in the picture and the food we ate after the picture.  Collecting pictures is fun to look back at later in time as well

Blog 10

I took this photo in July of 2020, during the BLM protests in Manhattan. The words “No Justice No Peace” were written on the City Hall building. I edited it to make it more bright so the words could be read easily. The target audience would be the citizens of America since we need to work on our country’s mindset before moving on to a greater audience. I believe the bright lighting of the photo makes more people want to look at it because it’s more attention grabbing. I also increased the saturation so the pink writing would pop more, making it more noticeable. Lastly, I increased the vignette so the edges would be slightly darker, allowing the focus to be on the writing on the door. Whether or not someone knows this building is City Hall, I think the photo makes it clear that it’s an important building, which makes a statement. I want a message to be sent that there truly will not be peace until there is fairness and justice, so I think these editing elements pull that together.

Blog 9

The exercise I chose to do was exercise #3. I started off by reading the comments my partner made and tried my best to revise my essay so that it can clarify some of the concerns my peer had as they were reading my essay. Having these comments really helped me realize what I could change in my essay and how I can organize my essay moving forward, especially since that was something I was struggling with. Having done this exercise I was able to gather my ideas as to what I can add to my essay and also try to keep in mind the question, “How would my essay sound from a reader’s perspective?”. By keeping this in mind, I will be able to make changes to my essay as I go back and revise it again, just as I did with this exercise.

Blog #9

I choose strategy #3, which addresses my readers’ concerns. My readers’ comments helped me understand what an outsider, who knows nothing about the topic, would think reading my paper. Reading my writing doesn’t always help because I don’t think from a reader’s perspective. When I usually write, I may not notice a common mistake compared to someone else writing. Another set of eyes reading over my essay helps me improve my grammar and sentence structures. Overall, Addressing my reader’s concerns has helped me reinforce my thesis and argument.


Blog 9

The strategy I decided to choose was option 1. Option 1 made it way easier for me to expand on a topic and to give more examples. I was able to further build on my argument and make it sound stronger. I think I chose option 1 because it made it way easier for me to clear my ideas and organize them a bit better. I think the main thing that I struggled with was repetition. Not with just sentences but mainly words. Being able to look at a specific sentence and build on it made it so much easier to add to the paper. I used less repetition.

The strategy that I chose was number 5, “to restructure your essay and discover new ideas in the process”. When I first wrote my essay I felt overwhelmed, I couldn’t seem to get a good handle on the structure of my essay and the content wasn’t ordered neatly and clearly, so I re-listed them and chose to order what I thought was more important to write about so that I could understand what I was saying and so that the reader could understand what I was saying. I also needed to make the sources I chose relate in some way to the work I chose, to make them easier to understand and to uncover more things to think about. Now that I have a general direction on how to connect these sources and works, I just need to focus on the sources I need to use.

Blog 9

I chose strategy #5, “Reorganize your essay and discover new ideas in the process” to help me revise my draft. The main problem I had with the draft was that it was difficult to work around the thesis statement ideas from different perspectives. Since this exercise helped me in the process of sequencing my paragraphs, I could see if my logic was clear and if I was making the same points over and over again. I could also clearly find out if my main idea was being explored in more depth around my thesis statement. My thoughts became clear and organized with the help of this stratagem, and I think I can write more about the connection between materialism in the book and life.