Writing II KMWF

Blog 2

As a resident of New York, I have witnessed the recent effects of neoliberalism. The pandemic has exposed just how present neoliberalism in our society. For instance, the covid-19 tests. At first, all tests were free of charge; regardless of which type of test you requested. This was encouraging New Yorkers to get tested and stay safe. More recently, however, I noticed how many tests now come with a price. In order to get tested to travel, for example, you usually have to get tested within a certain time frame, such as 48 hours before your flight. In order to get the results within that time frame, many testing sites charge you an amount of money. This shows how something that was once open to the public for free, has been privatized to those who could afford it. Since I’ve lived here, I’ve seen New York change in many ways. Certain parks have become closed to the public, and only those who have status or money can have access to those parks. People with money buy land like this just to limit access, so that people with power are surrounded by other people with power. I believe New York is a great example of how power wants more power.

Another public service that has been limited is Medicaid in New York. Recently, certain laws were added that make it more difficult for New Yorkers to get Medicaid benefits for long-term care. Medicaid was made to help out New Yorkers and make healthcare more affordable for them, but these laws do the opposite.

In Dickinson’s article, she argues that the government in New York had privatized public spaces not only to limit graffiti, but also to make a profit. This is exactly what goes on today, as an attempt to make certain areas in New York appeal to the upper class. The people doing this wanted to make sure the people in business had everything they wanted – which is what happened with the example of the park I previously stated.  Overall, I feel like neoliberalism in New York City is growing day by day.

4 thoughts on “Blog 2”

  1. You and I both have mentioned almost the same topic!!! Again, I strongly agree with the Medicaid problem you have mentioned on this blog post. Nowadays, people are seeing every single tiny chances as a way to make profit for themselves. Everyone is trying to make money out on eveything.

  2. Obviously, the public ownership slowly began to become private ownership, which created a gap in the hierarchy. Perhaps the hierarchy will reappear as a result of the development of this system, and the hierarchy must be discriminatory, bringing us back to the 1970s when people of color were treated differently.

  3. I thought you brought up interesting points in regards to your experience with the effects of neoliberalism. The matter of covid tests and public spaces such as parks being closed to the public were great and clear instances of neoliberalism that I’ve come to notice as well. The focus on making a profit on everything over the prioritization of the citizens themselves does leave a feeling of uneasiness. I thought your statement of New York is an example of “how power wants more power” was also an interesting key takeaway from all of this.

  4. I thought you had bought up really interesting examples which I did not really think of but to come and actually read about it was very interesting because there is a place by me that charges up to 100$ for COVID testing which I think is insane. Also, privatization of parks, making it where people can also visit if they buy a ticket to see it really shows that there isn’t really any thought of the actual people/community.

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