Writing II KMWF

Blog 2

First off to begin this, I believe it is inevitable when living in a big market cities like (New York city, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc.) that neoliberalism would be constructed. Since many people always want what is new and the lastest feature, I’m sure they would do the same with the places they live. I say this based off my experiences and what I see from a far regarding the older buildings or stores they have took down near my area to construct something new. It seems like if it profits them, then it will get done even if it affects a certain group of people. So yes I have witnessed the effects of neoliberalism as a resident of New York by seeing public areas or resources for the public turn into privatization. You would think that laws are made in favor of the people but sadly it does seem like it isn’t. Since my mother recently had her problems with Medicaid and how they didn’t guarantee long term care. However, as I said earlier if they see profit from it then they will indeed continue with it. The landscape of New York has definitely changed since I’ve lived here because so many places that I grew up going to has been changed to other businesses, and many new renovations have occurred as well. Many public parks and public places where people would go have been turned into private which will make people pay to get in.

Observations that relate to the Dickinson’s text would be that since the city was turning into a more business look and those who have private companies would prosper rather than the actual citizens. I would connect this to my observations because of the laws that seem to not benefit the people as they previously intended too.