Writing II KMWF

Blog 4

As I am reading through my first draft to fill out my sentence revision form, I realize that I use a lot of commas in my writing and that I have a lot of long run-on sentences or choppy sentences because I use too many commas. This wasn’t really surprising to me because long run-on sentences have always been an issue for me. I think this happened because this was my very first draft so I was just trying to get down all my ideas onto the paper instead of being worried about if it makes sense and I also definitely did not read over it to make sure that it made sense. I was also a little surprised because I am never too confident in my writing so I was expecting a lot of wonky, weird, and hard-to-read sentences but to my surprise, I was faced with a lot fewer mistakes than I was expecting. This would help me make more changes in my draft by taking out unnecessary words, commas and cutting down some of my run-on sentences, and incorporating more simple style structured sentences into my writing as it would help me get the main idea of the paper to the reader in a clearer and easier way. These changes would help enhance my writing by making my point come across better on better and help me get straight to the point rather than a lengthy and wordy piece of paper.