Writing II KMWF

Leslys 5th Blog

I chose Adrian Piper “Decide Who You Are, Anita Hill”.

Just looking at the picture, the words are written in red. Red resonates with a feeling of anger and that was the first tone that was set in my head. There is a black little girl on the bottom center smiling and the poem is like a family figure or a close friend telling the little girl that her life is full of obstacles and that she needs to prepare for what will come to her, as well as how to become into what society wants her to become. The words also go on top of the little girl making it seem like she’s trapped behind these words.

The text can also be portrayed as a social concern. It can be seen as a rich and a poor person. A man and a woman and also race. It reminds me most of the Black Lives Matter movement where the line  “Whats the matter? You’ll get over it” applies to the racist mentality USA had on the movement.

This art piece is very visual, which catches my attention. The wording of this text is like being inside a persons head and reading their thoughts. A person feeling this way should already be a political and social concern because it is like they are chained up with no where to go. Art can also shed light to important times in history and reminds us why it is always better to move forward and never back.


One thought on “Leslys 5th Blog”

  1. I agree that this piece was very visual and does a good job at getting the viewer’s attention. I also liked how you associated the red with an angry tone. This piece explains the anger coming from a certain group of people, and explains why they should be angry. It seems like those words consume some people’s thoughts, so they need to release their anger.

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