Writing II KMWF

Blog 10

I decided to choose an image from 2017 that I took during one of my occasional walks along Rockefeller Park after school. In the iPhone settings, I decreased the contrast and increased both the saturation and brightness of the image in order to create a sense of vibrance depicted by the shadows casted over the buildings while the bright clouds loom over them. I also cropped out the railings to put more emphasis on the light and shadows of the image. I tend to go on these walks as a way to clear my head. The image of the slow-moving waves, gleaming setting sun, and glorified clouds had always been a calming sight for me. The shadows cast upon the buildings had only emphasized the beauty of the sky and clouds. In a way, the message of this photo could be to provide a sense of hope for better things to come as represented by the contrasting light between the buildings and clouds/sky.


4 thoughts on “Blog 10”

  1. I love this photo! I agree that it is very calming with the waves, the sunlight, and the clear sky. I can imagine how relaxing it would be to enjoy this view and watch the sunset at this location.

  2. I definitely get calm and peaceful vibes from this picture. I think the editing really brought out the clouds and that makes it more relaxing. The calm sky versus the busy city can also be relatable to many people which I thought was really cool.

  3. I like this photo a lot and I think the edits that you made to this photo make it significantly better, the clouds really pop out in this photo and it certainly seems very calm and relaxing.

  4. I like the picture as it gives off a peaceful and relaxed vibe. The picture does give off a certain positivity through the beaming Sun and the water which form and show a peaceful and positive energy.

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