Writing II KMWF

Blog 11

For my Remix project and I will be remixing the paper about the show Money Heist and how it exposes the negative side of capitalism. I am not sure what the remix will be as of right now.  Some options I am thinking about are making a narrated google slide presentation or making a video. The remix method I am leaning toward is the video. In the video, there will most likely be visuals such as pictures or short scenes from the show to help the audience understand the idea I am trying to convey. I think I will be using iMovie to create the video by adding pictures and short videos and using the voice-over feature to explain the argument. The video will be mainly about how the show Money Heist became a symbol of resistance and encouraged people in real life to protest against various injustices in the world today. Compared to the original paper, this remix will go less into detail because it is only a 3 to 5 minute video compared to the original paper which is 7 pages. However, I think the video will be much clearer, especially for visual learners because the video will focus less on the amount of information presented and more on explaining the details.

My biggest challenge right now figuring out how to summarize ideas from the paper into a 3 to 5 minute video since there is a lot of information from the paper. I need to figure out what parts I need to cut out and what parts should I include in order to create a remix that clearly summarizes the ideas presented in the paper. My personal motivation for tackling this project is that I believe this project can inspire people because the show focuses on the ideas of resistance and bringing a change to injustices.