Writing II KMWF

7 thoughts on “Multimodel Remix”

  1. The video you made was interesting, the content you searched for was very good, and you also explained something to the audience in your own words at the same time, which is very good.

  2. I like how your video had many laughable moments which helped engage the audience. I also like how you paused during your presentation to explain what was going on in order to ensure the audience is following.

  3. I really love this show and I thought that the clips were really funny. Like the others mentioned above, you stopped to explain the clips to people who may not have understood so that was really helpful. I think this show fit perfectly with your topic and it was a great example.

  4. I think adding those clips was very smart because it kept the audience engaged but each clip was also a great example of what you were trying to say. Also the way you explained everything after was very helpful.

  5. Your project was very good and the clips that you included kept the audience engaged as they were very funny.

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