Writing II KMWF

Blog 2

As a resident of New York, I have witnessed the recent effects of neoliberalism. Inflation has caused prices to skyrocket. Gas, homes, rent, and basically anything else has increased and the pandemic has not helped in this cause. People’s lease for their apartments and homes that they signed are starting to expire and rent is becoming to expensive for people to afford and live that lifestyle. So many places are being gentrified so the wealthy and middle class could come an take over along with other businesses. People who lived in certain neighborhoods for years and all their lives are being forced to move out because they can not afford housing and afford to live that lifestyle anymore. People of color and low income communities are being impacted the most causing them to resort to government aided housing or projects which are already so crammed and packed and are unsafe living conditions. People of color and lower class minorities face lots of accessibility and inequality whether that come to housing, health, or anything really. People of color and poor communities are not vaccinated and cannot afford COVID tests. Health is not accessible to these communities. Immigrants seeking a better life populate most low-income neighborhoods. The privatization of insurance businesses makes it more difficult for low-income groups to apply for insurance, as well as a financial barrier. Inflation is also seen in food. Groceries and food used to be much cheaper but due to inflation has increased drastically over time. Relating back to Maggie Dickinson’s article and a quote of her find that I found quite interesting ” “People of color and lower class are constantly  being displaced to make room for the upper class and elite; they are being thrown out of the city. organizations only care to serve and cater the elite or wealthy. Gentrification happened for the wealthy to get rid of the poor and middle class to make room for the wealthy.” A quote that applies to our society today that has to do with Gentrification and Neoliberalism.