Writing II KMWF

Blog 7

After reading “Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the limits of representation”, Iv’e read and i agreed with most people with the things said in the article. It mostly talks about  how politicians, such as Biden and Harris, declare verbally to symbolize positive races however there’s no guarantee of their support while they are elected into workplace. In 1993, Biden confirmed his assist in the direction of assisting the 1994 crime invoice that targeted younger black humans, which brought about the stereotyping of all black people to be offenders even though it isn’t really the case. “This, of directionwas now not handiest approximately supposedly out-of-manage kids;  Biden has never taken duty for his actions in harming Black families. Cantrell refused to assist the working magnificence from getting better pay, which would appear surprising considering that’s who she was assisting before she changed into in workplace. This teaches us as vote casting residents to be careful of who we vote for to symbolize our town, city, or us as a whole. Actions will always speak louder than words.