“Little Annie’s Ramble”

“Little Annie’s Ramble” from Twice Told-Tales, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804-1864.
Hawthorne point of view in this story is to tell his readers how beautiful and interesting is it for a
human being to be a child than be an adult. While reading this story, the author wants to remind
us that, as people growing up and getting older, they forgot they were once a child by acting and
seeing things differently that a child could even imagine. Throughout this story, Hawthorne used
the words “little Annie” many times not just to characterize the girl as a child, but also as a
theme such as romanticism in different contexts in his passage to develop his story and to have
his readers’ attention. According to Hawthorne in “Little Annie’s Ramble” he states that “Sweet
has been the charm of childhood on my spirit, throughout my ramble with little Annie! Say not
that it has been a waste of precious moments, an idle matter, a babble of childish talk, and a
reverie of childish imaginations, about topics unworthy of a grown man’s notice. They are not
truly wise who would affirm it.” This demonstrate that the older man did not regret spending any
second of of his time with little Annie. Also having this kinds of moment has always been an
extraordinary and powerful pleasure for him during his early life.

“Little Annie’s Ramble” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

In this poem “Little Annie’s Ramble” by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author wants to tell his
readers and audiences that in today’s society, people as they growing up and getting older, they
behave in strange way by forgetting were also a child. The author used imagery as theme to
develop his passage where he states that “None but myself and little Annie, whose feet begin to
move in unison with the lively tune, as if she were loth that music should be wasted without a
dance. But where would Annie find a partner? Some have the gout in their toes, or the
rheumatism in their joints; some are stiff with age; some feeble with disease.” This demonstrate
that the little girl was enjoying her time by moving and dancing. She wish she had someone who
could joined her, unfortunately, it didn’t happen because she was surrounded of older people
who were in a bad living and health condition.