Through A Child’s Eye


Nathaniel Hawthorne poem focus on the view of life from a child perspective as well as an adult,many times Hawthorne would look at little Annie and see same excitement in her eyes as it was in his when he was a little boy.

“Who heeds the poor organ grinder? None but myself and little Annie, whose feet begin to move in unison with the lively tune, as if she were loth that music should be wasted without a dance.”(Hawthorne) Here Hawthorne express that children are more care free about life then adults as little Annie is dancing to the organ player while adults are too preoccupied with their lives to even notice the organ player, even he stands by idly and watches her instead of joining her. He states that children are always curious about the world they live in, even doing something simple like strolling down the street is an exciting adventure for a child.

Overall, he sympathizes with little Annie’s youthfulness, he quotes “After drinking from those fountains of still fresh existence, we shall return into the crowd, as I do now, to struggle onward and do our part in life, perhaps as fervently as ever, but, for a time, with a kinder and purer heart, and a spirit more lightly wise.” being around little Annie make him feel nostalgic about his own childhood and he realize that maybe he should be a little more childlike in life, to live it with a lighter spirit and not struggle with the burden of being an adult.

One thought on “Through A Child’s Eye

  1. I’m kind of agree and disagree at the same where you said “instead of watching her dancing they should have joined her.” I will take an example based on real life. In today’s society, as an adults, each of everyone has a personal life and issue whether it can be bad or good. In Little Annie situation, these people were in a bad living condition so for them to join her as a company was the least thing they could have think of. Put yourself as one of these adults, you’re very old man with a bad health condition. would you join her?
    However, even if you were an old man, but in a good shape i’m probability show you’ll join her if you’re not shy.

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