The Little Prince: Book Mock Up

These first two pictures show two pages that make up our book, along with post-its that describe some of the key features of the book itself.

The following images show the front and back cover of our book. The set up is so the book appears to be 2-in-1 in that from one side you open into a manual and from the other side you open into a pilot’s log. Our reasoning behind this idea is that the pilot would’ve had very little to work with after he crashed into the desert. Therefore, it is very possible that he would take whatever he had with him, in this case the manual for the plane, and use it to record his last days in whatever way possible.









The next images show the first page from whichever end of the book you open up on. The first is from the manual side and the second from the log side. Using the backs of the pages of the manual allows for what appears to be a separate book, within an already existing one.


Finally, below are two examples of the drafts of what we will be including in the foreword. These types of notes will add to the explanation of the book itself as well as fulfill all of the project requirements.









To Do By the Dates Listed:

5/10: (1) Burn the edges of the pages of the prototype and have in class on Wednesday; (2) Bring in ribbon or rope material which we will experiment with during the in-class workshopping for the binding of the book; (3) Bring in scrap paper and watercolor/colored pencils to experiment with potential sketches we may want to include within the pilot’s logs; (4)  Talk to Professor Curseen about “file folder” which we will put the book inside

5/12: Have final drafts of all of the pilot’s logs and forward content complete 

5/15: Group will meet to make FINAL copies of the first two books for the book fair

By the project deadline, the remaining 8 books will be split up among group members to each finish 2. 


2 thoughts on “The Little Prince: Book Mock Up

  1. I really like the idea of “2 in 1.” It makes the book more like an artifact, and it’s a n interesting commentary on what makes something a great work. The manual is not a great work of literature, but it becomes valuable and part of a great work when it gets tied to the pilot, preserved, and located in history. Also pragmatically, the “2 in 1” is a smart and creative way of fulfilling the requirements while still making an object that’s coherent in and of itself. It seems though that the pilot’s notes should be hand written. I see you have them printed here, which works for drafting, but do you plan to write out the pilot’s part by hand?

  2. Yes Professor, we are planning to to write out the pilot’s part. This would uphold the quality of the “artifact” approach. Though, this would take a lot of discipline, patience and time, we are confident that it will be ready by the required deadline.

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