All posts by j.puleo

Blog Post 2

The result of the election are now three weeks in and America is still in complete chaos. In the past I wrote about the election as it had just finished and the results were still raw to us Americans. Donald Trump is three weeks into his presidential transitions and things have only gotten worse. Every person he appoints to a job in office has a lot of history behind them and some feel like they will not benefit the country. America as a nation is split and it has you wonder where can we find democracy in our country.

Not everyone is being represented equally and as The presidential transition continues people will remain divided. Trump’s campaign is still being talked about all over the media everyday. The newest controversy is the call for a recount of votes in swing states. Trump has taken to social media to attack those in favor of a recount. He has stopped saying the election was rigged and is ready to be president. I feel that a recount will not have any success and that we have to face what is in store for the future of the country.

The TRump Presidency begins in less than two months. Until then he must find a way to smooth out the transition of power without causing uproar in America. He must unite Americans in order to gain full support and to do his job to the full potential.

Blog Post- Where is the Democracy in the Electoral College?

The most storied election in United States history has come to end. For 60,981,118 people, their vote was not powerful enough. Yep, that is right, 60,981,118 people voted for Hillary Clinton, almost 600,000 more people than those voted for Donald Trump. Yet our new president-elect is not Hillary. Why is that? We can thank the Electoral College created some 150 years ago.

The winner of the election doesn’t have to be the most popular but just has to win more votes within states. And sometimes that can even lead to a loss. If you didn’t know what the Electoral College was before the election, you sure do now. Each state has a certain number of electoral vote which are given to the winner of that state. Donald Trump won more electoral votes and thus is our future president. People are outraged at such an outcome and even have created petitions to reverse the process and unelect Trump.

After reading more about the Electoral College, it really made me wonder where is the democracy in the process? The people voted Hillary. After the final vote count she will have won by more than a million votes so why is she not our president. The popular vote should be final. Trump won the election by undermining the process and attacking the flaws. He was able to get the people he needed to vote to win. He knew what people were the most important in the electoral college and what battleground states he needed to focus on. He gave up on New York and Califonia and put his time and effort on Iowa, Florida and Pensylvania. His effort prevailed and he is now the future of our America

Political Rhetoric – Dangerous

In one of Donald Trump’s ad, the voice over states the current foreign threats we face as Americans. The opening statement, “Our next president faces daunting challenges in a dangerous world” is without a doubt true. As our next president steps into office they will be immediately facing threats from other countries and current enemies. I Chose this ad because it was very factual and relatable to the current problem our next president faces.

The ad attacks Hilary as it also indirectly supports Trump. The ad sites that Clinton has failed multiple times as the secretary of state to protect American from International threats. The ad pleads to the audience, which is the general public that is voting specifically in battle ground states,  to not let her fail us again. It also goes on to say that she doesn’t have the fortitude, strength, or stamina to lead in our world. The stamina part was a big focus in the first debate as Trump was questioned as to what he means by that.

The use of logos is evident in the ad. Trump’s campaign has created logical evidence that we should not vote for Hilary because she is already a failure. Their is not much thought needed to be put behind these ideas and the ad can be effective. I personally found the ad effective as it is short but gets right to the point. Although it won’t change voters decisions immediately it is definitely beneficial to Trump.

Anthem -MYAmerica

The National Anthem is the greatest source of American dignity. It is through this song that people unite, together as one. After watching a couple monologues I came upon this one and it really hit home. For two reasons, one being the current problem that we face today, in which certain athletes feel that it is ok to protest by not sharing in standing along with other teammates before their games while the anthem is sung. The other being that this past weekend was the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The anthem is performed to show gratitude and respect to loved ones fighting for our country. I find it ignorant and disrespectful for certain people to feel exempt from showing their respect to the true soldiers of our country because they feel like their race is being oppressed.

When the Anthem is sung we must put our head in that moment and focus on nothing else but the Red, White and Blue. These colors link every single American. I feel like the monologue showed that the Anthem has lost peoples attention and has lost a real meaning to them. Being an American is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted.