Blog Post- Where is the Democracy in the Electoral College?

The most storied election in United States history has come to end. For 60,981,118 people, their vote was not powerful enough. Yep, that is right, 60,981,118 people voted for Hillary Clinton, almost 600,000 more people than those voted for Donald Trump. Yet our new president-elect is not Hillary. Why is that? We can thank the Electoral College created some 150 years ago.

The winner of the election doesn’t have to be the most popular but just has to win more votes within states. And sometimes that can even lead to a loss. If you didn’t know what the Electoral College was before the election, you sure do now. Each state has a certain number of electoral vote which are given to the winner of that state. Donald Trump won more electoral votes and thus is our future president. People are outraged at such an outcome and even have created petitions to reverse the process and unelect Trump.

After reading more about the Electoral College, it really made me wonder where is the democracy in the process? The people voted Hillary. After the final vote count she will have won by more than a million votes so why is she not our president. The popular vote should be final. Trump won the election by undermining the process and attacking the flaws. He was able to get the people he needed to vote to win. He knew what people were the most important in the electoral college and what battleground states he needed to focus on. He gave up on New York and Califonia and put his time and effort on Iowa, Florida and Pensylvania. His effort prevailed and he is now the future of our America

One thought on “Blog Post- Where is the Democracy in the Electoral College?

  1. As a supporter of Hillary Clinton, it is sad to see the impact of the Electoral College in the presidential election. I also agree that the popular vote should have more importance since it is the true voice of the people. If the election was solely based on popular vote, the whole process would seem much more democratic. However, this is not the case and Trump is now our new president-elect. Hopefully, his presidency will carry out to be more of a success than people project it to be.

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