Political Rhetoric – Dangerous

In one of Donald Trump’s ad, the voice over states the current foreign threats we face as Americans. The opening statement, “Our next president faces daunting challenges in a dangerous world” is without a doubt true. As our next president steps into office they will be immediately facing threats from other countries and current enemies. I Chose this ad because it was very factual and relatable to the current problem our next president faces.

The ad attacks Hilary as it also indirectly supports Trump. The ad sites that Clinton has failed multiple times as the secretary of state to protect American from International threats. The ad pleads to the audience, which is the general public that is voting specifically in battle ground states,  to not let her fail us again. It also goes on to say that she doesn’t have the fortitude, strength, or stamina to lead in our world. The stamina part was a big focus in the first debate as Trump was questioned as to what he means by that.

The use of logos is evident in the ad. Trump’s campaign has created logical evidence that we should not vote for Hilary because she is already a failure. Their is not much thought needed to be put behind these ideas and the ad can be effective. I personally found the ad effective as it is short but gets right to the point. Although it won’t change voters decisions immediately it is definitely beneficial to Trump.

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