Assignments – Week 16

  1. Symposium Sessions – On Monday, December 7th and Wednesday, December 9th at 12:30pm, we will be holding our Symposium Sessions.  Please be sure that your group is ready to go.  Each group will have 15-20 minutes to share what they have prepared.  Attendance at both sessions is mandatory.
  2. Research Based Project Reflection – Once your group has completed its Symposium Session, please fill out this Research Based Project Reflection Form and return it to me.  You will not receive a grade for your project until I get your form.  Please complete this form by Friday, December 11th.
  3. Peer Review – As we discussed, you will be providing peer review feedback to the other members of your Research Groups.  You can find your partners’ drafts in our shared “Writing and Democracy” folder, or if your draft is not in that folder, you can share your file with the other members of the group.  If you are in a four person group, please arrange things so that each of you reviews two drafts.  (If you find yourself in a situation in which your partners’ have not shared drafts, so you don’t have anything to review, please let me know, so that I can monitor the situation.)   Use this Peer Review Form to guide your response, keeping in mind that these essays should be written for an audience of your peers.  The Peer Review Form is in our shared folder, so you can access it there as well.  Copy and paste your form at the bottom of the essay you are reviewing.  Please complete your peer review by Friday, December 11th.
  4. Op-Ed Essays: Your final essays are due on Monday, December 14th, uploaded to  I am happy to give feedback or to meet with you about your drafts; December 12th is the last day you can share any work with me to get feedback.
  5. Deadline to Withdraw from Course;  Just a gentle reminder that December 13th is the last day to withdraw from the course with a grade of “W”.  If you find yourself in a situation in which you are unlikely to pass the class, this option allows you to avoid having an “F” on your transcript.  If you are not sure about your status in the course, please reach out to me so that we can discuss your situation directly.
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