Monthly Archives: September 2020

Office Hours – Monday, October 5th

Please use the link below to sign up to see me during my office hours on Monday.  If you want to see me, but aren’t available during any of my available slots, please reach out to me via email or slack, so that we can work something out.  Thanks!

Office Hours

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Zoom Recording – Wednesday, September 30th

You can access the recording of our class by clicking HERE

and using the Passcode: FB25$ji$

You can use the link at the top of the page to access a Missed Class form to submit if you missed the class.

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How to Discuss Difficult Issues Calmly

Please read this brief article by Caroline Kelly, “Keeping it Civil”.  In the comments below, please identify one piece of advice from the article that you think we would all be wise to adopt and explain why you think it’s important.   Describe an experience you’ve had in which you or someone else had difficulty keeping your cool while discussing something you both feel strongly about.   What happened?  Does this experience suggest any further insights into how to have these kinds of discussions?  If so, share them here.  Please share your comment by Monday, October 5th.

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Joel Batz week 6- politics & the English language

After reading and reviewing George Orwell’s essay “Politics and the English Language” I was informed to a political issue that I was not aware of. Thanks to Orwell I learned from his thesis that the English language is declining in several ways and the blame for that can be politics, and writers like ourselves.  Many writers including myself tend to imitate strategies and style of other writers which has been one of the reasons for the declining of the English language according to Orwell. A great example of this issue can be seen when Orwell states “But in between these two classes there is a huge dump of worn-out metaphors which have lost all evocative power and are merely used because they save people the trouble of inventing phrases for themselves. ” As stated above this stood out to me the most because I can assure you that almost all writers like myself have fallen for this trap. The meaning of a “worn-out metaphor” is simply a metaphor that has been used  extravagantly by writers without actually acknowledging the meaning or background of the metaphor. An example of a worn-out metaphor can be this very well known metaphor used by many in the morning “rise and shine” this is a metaphor I use all the time and I’m sure you have too. This metaphor has became an ordinary phrase which is simply why it is a worn out metaphor.

This critique by George Orwell is valid because not only have I seen it very often in multiple stories, essays, etc, but because this is one of the downfalls of our language. According to Orwell he states ” Modern English, especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble.” This is one of the mostly common issues in our language but what Orwell is trying to explain is that the solution is easy writers like myself have to take the challenge and go the extra mile and come up with their own ideas and metaphors. I believe that when language use and politics intersect it can have a great affect on the way people view a political figure circumstance and the political beliefs. A great example can be President Trump’s language use that has created many controversial ideas and opinions towards our president, many are on board with him and many are completely against him. One example of how President Trump’s language use which has contributed to the way people see him can be in one his very well known statements back in 2016 when he stated Mexico sends their worst people and stated how they send “criminals, drugs, rapist, etc.” President Trump’s language use towards the Mexican people has contributed to the hate and anger the Hispanic community has towards him. This is a prime example of how when language use and politics intersect is has a major affect on the audience.

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Politics and the English Language- Gabriela Aguilar Castillo

A summary of Orwell’s thesis regards the poor declining English language, modern English, including written English and in order to correct the English language to what it once was is by removing bad habits in order to gain a clearer thinking. “But an effect can become a cause, reinforcing the original cause and producing the same effect in an intensified form, and so on indefinitely.” This particular statement means although it normally is cause and effect. The effect can become the cause just as easily because it can deliver the same response which is similar to English Language because it can only become disorganized as we the writers or influencers make it. It is significant to me because it makes a reader think in an entirely different way after reading this statement. As a reader, there are many texts where there are cause/effect narratives but never about the end consequence being the cause. The statement that the effect (consequences) can also become the cause is being shown the similarity between the English language because it is reversible.  I think Orwell is trying to convey that our modern English language makes it easier for us to be susceptible to barbaric thoughts.

One of the several examples Orwell offers that most disturb him are operators or verbal false limbs. Essentially not simply writing one word but instead creating a phrase. I do see this example in writings up to this day. As for my writing, I do see this being an error when I write but I tend to fix it afterward because like Orwell stated it is easier but is seen as poor writing at the end. Orwell’s critique of these bad writing techniques is to be taken lightly as certain readers and even writers use these techniques to their advantage in order to emphasize their point and although these techniques may disturb him another would use it for their benefit as it is only one mans words.

Language use and politics intersect heavily for me because it conveys different messages that one may interpret as correct when you dig deeper it is futile and irrelevant or like Orwell states, “is designed to make lies sound truthful.” One example would be the differences between describing someone as being “pro-gun,” “pro-control,” or “anti-guns.” Each of these terms can deliberately frame the positions in different ways and lead to twisted meanings due to the underlying misunderstanding.

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Elijah Gonzalez- Assignment week 6

Orwell’s thesis is basically saying that the way we use English language has cause to the general collapse of our civilization. He also states that we can not be conscious action, do anything about it. Orwell believes that language naturally grows and it is not something we can shape for our own purpose. He expresses that politics and economy both have added to the decline of language. He insist that the language we use becomes “Inaccurate” because of our thoughts, and this makes it easier to produce inaccurate thoughts. Orwell states that this process is reversible. One quotation from Orwells essay is “Modern English especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble”. This stood out to me because when writing, we often compare our use of language, to those who we think use it well. However, how can we tell when the person we are trying to imitate, makes a careless mistake in their use of writing. I think that Orwell is trying to say that writing and bad habits, become a cycle, from listening and reading the same mistakes. One of Orwells examples of the categories of language that most disturb him are “Dying metaphors”. He insist that many of those who use metaphors, use them without knowledge of their meaning. The use of a metaphor that one has no knowledge of, mixed with incompatible metaphors are a sign that the writer is not interested in what they are saying. Orwell states, “Some metaphors now current have been twisted out of their meaning without those who use them even being aware of the fact”. I sometimes see this when looking at other peoples writing, where the writer knows what he/she is trying to convey, but it doesn’t make sense for the context. Language use and politics intersect greatly with each other , impacting the way people view certain things in politics. It is important that a speaker in politics, strays away from using the examples that Orwell states, that add to the decline of language.

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Assignments – Week #6

1. We will be continuing to share and discuss the campaign ads you selected during our Zoom call on Wednesday.  Please take some time between now and Wednesday to preview your classmates’ ads.  If you have comments or observations about HOW the ads work and the rhetorical strategies they are employing to manipulate their viewers, please share them in the comments.  We are not discussing the issues themselves, but rather focusing on the visual, audio, and verbal languages of the campaign ads.


2. Please read George Orwell’s famous essay, “Politics and the English Language.”  You can find it under the “Texts” tab above.  Read the essay carefully, looking up any words that are unfamiliar, then, in a separate blog post, to be shared by Friday, October 2nd, do the following:

  • In your own words, summarize Orwell’s thesis.
  • Share one quotation from the essay that seems to you to be particularly significant.  Explain the meaning of the quotation and describe why it stood out for you.  What is Orwell saying here about language use?
  • Orwell offers several examples of the categories of language use that most disturb him.  Choose one of these examples and respond to Orwell.  Do you see examples of this today? Does your own writing sometimes exhibit this language use?  Why or why not? To what extent do you find his critique to be valid?
  • How do language use and politics intersect for you today?  Can you think of a contemporary example of a use of language that has been the subject of debate, misunderstanding, or obfuscation (deliberately making things unclear)? Please share it here and discuss the implications of your example.  (One easy example might be the differences between describing someone as being “anti-abortion,” “pro-life,” or “anti-choice.”  We can see clearly how each of these terms frames the position in a different way.)


3. Our next major writing assignment will be a Rhetorical Analysis of a Political Speech. We will start working on the assignment next week, but in preparation for the assignment, please start previewing this list of speeches I’ve gathered.  I have limited our selection to the last year.  You will need to use Google to locate either a video or a text of the speech.  If you would like to add a speech to this list, that’s great, but please check in with me to confirm that it fits our parameters.  For this assignment, you will want to select a speech that appears to you to be rhetorically interesting, not necessarily the speech you liked the best or that best aligns with your own political views.

Some Speeches to Consider:

President Trump’s Fourth of July Speech (2020)

Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention (2020)

Greta Thunberg’s speech at the United Nations

Any speech from the Republican or Democratic National Conventions

John Boyega’s Black Lives Matter speech, June 2020

Killer Mike, speech at Atlanta Mayor’s Press Conference, May 2020

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, speech about misogyny, response to Cong. Ted Yoho, July 2020

Mitt Romney, speech about impeachment vote, Feb 2020

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Thierno Diallo Rhetorical Analysis of Campaign Ad



From watching Joe Biden’s campaign, I believe the audience that is targeted in this video is America as a whole. In this video, we see Biden with several interactions with the American people, which is a way for him to advertise his image in a positive way. This video is intended for all that are voting in this upcoming election. The message that is being conveyed in this ad is Biden’s worth to the American people in a positive light. The ad highlights Biden’s plans and the things he brings to the table if he was to be chosen as president. This ad makes a connection, between the Coronavirus, racial identity, sexual identity, etc to show that no matter what we identify as, all those things “unites America”, as Biden stated in this ad. The main purpose of watching this video is to ultimately trust Biden and all that he stands for.

This ad has combination of positive and negative narratives. The beginning of the ad highlights the faults of Trump and the tone of the music gives off a sense of motivation to do better for the country, which is something Trump isn’t doing according to Biden. The second half of the video highlights the Biden’s positive attitude towards th presidency and the music in this half of the ad portrays a glimpse of hope in the future of America, which allows the audience to feel a connection with Biden. believe that this ad has used a great technique well to develop it’s message. The use of Pathos in the ad constructs the video in a way that appeals to the target audience. Using the topics of the Coronavirus, racial identity, sexual identity, etc allowed that need of appeal to work successfully.

Prior to viewing this ad, my opinion on Biden and Trump is the same as it is now. So, I would say that this ad hasn’t really had an effect on me. However, this ad did ease my mind on the notion that Biden seems to have a plan for the well being of America’s future. My only problem with the ad was the lack of Logos used in the video. A number of  statistics should’ve been used to corroborate the statements made in this ad.



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Rhetorical Analysis of Campaign Ad-Rosalia Flores



The audience for this ad is clearly trump supporters who are uneducated about Biden’s policies and ignorant about the sufferings of people of color that has been occurring for hundreds of years and during this term. The woman displays her concerns about Biden winning which is something that Trump Supporters can relate to. And since people that are misinformed are driven by fear, this is the perfect way to gain support from them.


The argument given is that Biden will ruin the country economically and  oppress Americans in this country. And if you continue further into the video, her message ends with once again, fear. Arguing that Biden will risk the life of her children and basically that this outcome is something they should all fear greatly and try their hardest to avoid in order to survive and live freely.


The feeling it portrays is deep fear. Political facts or an explanation with reasoning isn’t really necessary because this ad is perfectly designed for this audience by using fear. 


The side is clearly negative. This ad is negatively depicting Biden and describing him in a way that discredits him from being fit for the position. This ad does this in support of Trump by consistently talking bad about the opponent, not a surprise since Trump himself often uses this  tactic. It isn’t a very strong defense most of the time but is perfect for this audience.


The visuals were very gloomy, slow and concentrated. I actually found it quite interesting that a person of color was used for this ad (quite ironic).As a way to disclaim Trumps racism. These visuals are designed to captivate the eye and feelings of Trump Supporters who fear Biden, and this eerie setting with silence captivated that moment of fear that was needed.

Ethos pathos logos

Ethos is used in this ad really only at the end when it is shown that Donald J Trump approves of the message. That way people know that this “mysterious person” that empathizes with their fears is Trump, thus giving support. 

Pathos is used throughout almost the whole video, from concern to a deep fear. At first she uses the fact that shes a mother of four to empathize with the people that too have families, and then listing out her reasons for Biden not being a good candidate. In all CAPS in order to really captivate that alarming tone that it needs. And ending the ad by again using her kids to show the audience she shares emotions of love and affection just like her audience and wishes to “save” the people she loves.

Logos were not really used in this ad, statistics were not used and neither

was any other sources but they did make it very clear that Biden was a leftist.


I think this ad was very successful actually. From the use of a person of color to deliver this message to the music, setting, and eerie silence. The audience for this ad would consume this rapidly and definitely spread it to raise awareness for his campaign.


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Rhetorical Analysis of Campaign Ad – Guadalupe Perez
The audience for this 2020 campaign ad would be democrats, maybe young people as well. I believe this because Biden spoke on “healing America” and that is what a lot of people need right now. I also believe the audience for this ad would be young people because us young people are much into politics, given the circumstances we are in right now we are much more into politics, by circumstance I mean COVID, quarantine, racial injustices, trump…
This ad’s message is to promote “healing” to America. The argument this ad is making is that we are living through a crisis and we need leaders who will “heal” America. 
The feeling this ad evokes is awareness, hope, and healing of situations. It shows many pictures and videos from the last four months so people are aware of what this ad is speaking of 
This is a positive ad although it shows evidence of America in need of help I noticed that the sound that was being played in this ad sort of promoted hope. Also it speaks of how leaders will “heal” America which sounds pretty hopeful and positive to me, also it shows no gruesome photos or anything particularly negative. 
The visual elements of this ad contribute to its messaging because it shows visuals of climate change, such as homes and streets being overflooded. It also shows a short clip of trees on fire. Approximately thirty seconds after these visuals it shows Biden speaking to a man at a power plant and on fields where you see the sun shining and the grass green. The sun shining and the grass being green where he is speaking to another man is no coincidence, this is a visual representation of a better place (compared to the short clips shown a few seconds ago). You automatically see the change from disaster to a safe place where people are calmly speaking to each other. We also see Biden shaking another man’s hand which comes off as caring/respectful.
The persuasive techniques used in this ad would have to be ethos, pathos, and logos. I believe that all three were well employed. As we start off this ad we see logos, for example, stating the obvious facts… we definitely are in a crisis- climate, racial injustice, economic, and health. That is a fact. This Ad also shows us visuals to remind us we need help, In a way this is considered logic. Through the middle we see pathos which is a sense of emotion, we see pathos through a visual of people protesting with posters in their hands and hear voices stating “no justice, no peace”. This is obviously used to show emotion, and make us feel a certain way. Ethos is being employed by the word “leaders” being said and showing people shaking hands with each other which comes off as a sense of agreement/authority.
This ad has to be very successful because it used all three persuasive techniques. Also we are in a pandemic which means we really can’t do anything but just hope for the best we can get, which bidens shows much of in his ad. 
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