Monthly Archives: October 2020

Gen Z Interview- Aamina Mohammed

Jara M. F, 18

I feel Extremely uneasy about the upcoming election. It would be a very big turning point for the country, regardless of who wins. Seeing how 2020 has gone, this election provides me with more strain than hope for the future

Young people should vote because in the years coming they are the ones who will be directly dealing with the outcomes of certain policies or practices set in place by elected officials. When young people vote they are directly responsible for their future and set an example for the coming generations.

I am voting this year because 1) it is the first year I am able to do so, and 2) I wish to partake in such a monumental election. As someone who has grown up during these past four years I have witnessed how the unity of our country has increasingly deteriorated under this administration, and I feel the need to get my voice heard and help put a stop to these wrongdoings.

I believe there are many issues currently going on that deserve mass attention, and the ones that I wish to spotlight are racism/racial inequality/xenophobia , and climate change. As a Hispanic woman and more importantly a sensible person, I find racism to be appalling. It is extremely disheartening and dehumanizing to live your daily life knowing that there are people who wish the worst on you simply because of your background. Racism is deeply rooted into many of America’s industries, including but certainly not limited to healthcare, education, entertainment (representation), and especially the justice system. Nobody should feel like they have a target on their back simply because of what they look they look or sound like. As a young person, I feel like climate change is such a staggering issue that needs to be acted on more. I believe that my generation has had many discourses about the impacts of climate change, however the power to make monumental change lies in the hands of people much older and wealthier than us. That is perhaps one of the most frustrating aspects of the issue, as many people before us have chosen to prioritize money over the world around them. Not to be too frank, but many of the people today who are in positions of power yet choose to ignore climate change will not be alive to see the complete and devastating consequences of their inaction.

Joyce H, 19

1. To be very honest I am terrified about the upcoming election. I am terrified about Trump calling the election fraudulent if Biden wins. I am terrified of the racial division in this country escalating if Trump wins.  I am in distress with all the people that are eligible to vote but chooses not to as well as those people who are blind to equality. I as well as many other minorities cannot afford another four years with Trump whose views are filled with prejudice and racism that will NOT “make America great again”.

2. It is very important that young people vote. Although to some people,  it may seem like it doesn’t matter, but it will be in the next four years. Our future is depending on this election and to have our voices heard, we need to vote. Young people make up a huge portion of the voting-eligible population but in the election in 2016, only 19% of the younger people cast their ballot while 49% of 45-60-year-olds voted in the presidential election. If you want to see a better, safer, and equal future, for our generation, you have to vote and encourage others as well.

3. I personally believe that Trump is very unsuitable due to all the controversies he has caused in the last 4 years he was in office. I will not tolerate Trump degrading POC and not taking responsibility to condemn those white supremacists and racists. Although I have many disagreements with both candidates, my vote goes to Biden as we can perhaps see a better future with Biden in office.

4. Issues that matter to me the most are climate change, abortion laws, immigration/border security (ice), racial and ethnic inequality, education, health care, covid-19, gun control, the economy, and the LGBTQ+ community.


Josiah S, 18

1. I feel that the election will play a very detrimental role in what the state of America will be like in the following years.

2. I believe young people should definitely vote because we are what determines what type of country our kids will be growing up in being that we are the ones that are directly affected, every other generation after following ours will be too. Also other countries also decide how they will corporate with America depending on who leads it.

3. I am voting this year because we need change for all minorities and people that are being discriminated against in America.

4. What issues matter most to me is getting justice for the unreasonable amount of black people that are being killed for no reason. It shows that a part of humanity hasn’t developed from the old ways of its bloody history in terms of the treatment of minority ethnic groups.

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Gen Z Interviews- Gabriela Aguilar Castillo

I interviewed three Gen Z’s, first-time voters, in regard to the 2020 presidential election.

Kaseem J., 18

“I already voted for the Biden-Harris administration but we live in a controversial time and I don’t actually believe my vote is pertinent in the presidential election being from New York, which is a democratic strong-hold. However, I mostly see my vote as important because of the legislative branch, relating to the Senate and Congress because I wholeheartedly believe the maintenance of checks and balances is pivotal to the stability of our democracy.”

“I think that diversity, equal rights, and immigration are all important issues that need to be addressed by an administration that comprehends these issues personally. We need a President from a diverse background, who understands the oppression created by lacking equal rights in this country, and who understands the benefits of immigration. Thus, my views are that these are cornerstone’s of our democracy that will be addressed in a better manner under a Biden-Harris administration, but would have been better addressed had Kamala Harris been the democratic nominee for President.”

“I think the presidential election is important right now because the executive branch has largely abused its authority and failed to manage the country effectively or with any respect for the constitution. However, the real importance I see with this election is the Democratic intent to attain a majority leadership within the United States Senate because I feel the political disarray we have witnessed would be ongoing if democrats were unable to cease control of the senate, whether or not a Biden-Harris administration ceased control of the executive branch.”

“In terms of America getting better or worse, in my perspective, it has gotten better over, perhaps the last 100 years, but has been moving in the wrong direction from a short term perspective, amidst the Trump administration.”

“I am only optimistic about the future underneath a Biden-Harris administration if it were to precede a Harris led administration because I feel that her political agenda is stronger than that of the incumbent Democratic candidate, Joe Biden. My optimism is limited by worry as we continue to elect president’s who do not reflect the diversity of the nation, diversity in the White House under a Harris administration would accompany my optimism my composing a reflection of the diverse representation of America that we saw underneath Barack Obama’s administration.”

Leiha H., 19

“I think it is important to take part in the democratic process to help shape and develop our country for our future and other generations to come and for that, I voted for Joe Biden.”

“Well, I’m a black female who is also an immigrant. I stand for all these things, (diversity, equal rights, and immigration) because I am a part of the diversity in this country, as a female equal right is very important because this country has a lot more work to do with equality for females and minorities. I’m an immigrant and I have seen first hand the contributions that we bring to this country… that pretty much sums it up.”

“Well, our current president isn’t fit for office and he doesn’t have the best interest of the people. This election is important because we need to get him out of the White House before he worsens this country any further.”

“I don’t believe America got better. America as a country hasn’t been able to deal with its terrible past, instead most people pretend as if all the terrible things that led up to the country’s birth were all things in the past. So no, American isn’t better, I think it has always been terrible just wearing a disguise because people are still being treated unfairly and others are more privileged than others.”

“I can only do my part and expect others to do the same. So for now I’m keeping an open mind and hoping that our future in this country will get better”

Jose P., 18

“Voting is the only way we get people into congress/office that Will represent and uphold the values shared within the community. By not voting, I guess I’m giving up my own values and ideals for the rest of society to decide for me.”

“I am 18, and by law, I should be able to vote. However, I submitted my voting registrations late in regards to the presidential election. If I could vote in this election, my vote would probably go to neither. I don’t really have a full agreement with either of the candidates in regard to their policies. Both sides share good and bad ideas. I also don’t believe in voting for one side just to get another out and not liking the candidate is not really me having my own vote. At that point I would probably just vote for Kanye West, I like his music.”

“I think this election is overall important because it will decide how the next 4 years may go. If it goes Biden’s favor, there is a possibility the Senate will flip and many Trump policies can be overturned by new bills. If Trump wins, we can see policies become more conservative with the Supreme Court being majority Republican and a possible house flip.”

“I’m 100% on immigration, equal rights, and diversity.  I think all people should have the same rights regardless of sex, race, religion, etc. Also, people who seek refuge or an opportunity shouldn’t be denied those possibilities so easily.”

“I believe America is staying at the same level it’s been, regardless of the presidential outcome. It’s going to have its good days where politics are stable and people aren’t so conscious. But it will also have days in where conflict is up in congress and the whole county will have a say on a specific bill or situation.”

“I always try to keep a positive mind for the sake of myself. I mean what else can get worse?”

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Cyrus Cruz- Gen Z

While reading, ” On the Cusp of Adulthood and Facing an Uncertain Future: What We Know About Gen Z So Far” I noticed that the minority count from the generation of  baby boomer’s to Gen Z grew by 20 percent. During the baby boomers generation, the percentage of members who were white was 82% with the second highest being African Americans whom took up 13% of the baby boomers. In contrast, for my generation, white members of generation Z take up 52% of the members in the category. While Hispanics take up 25% and African Americans take up 14%. Meaning, 1/4 members of Gen Z are Hispanic. In addition to this, which is pretty interesting is that 43 percent of Gen Z Republicans feel that overall in our country, black people are treated unfairly, being the generation that has the greater percentage in this category, republican’s wise. Something that I agree with and I learn towards when it comes to my generation, is the fact that I along with 61% of Gen Z Americans are voting democrat rather then the quarter of Gen z are voting for trump. I actually feel more confident in the chances that Biden would in the 2020 Presidential Election. There are more members of each category besides the silent generation who will vote for a democratic candidate then republican.

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Emely Aguero – Gen z

After reading the article ” Gen Z is about to got to the polls…” the top three things that stood out to me was what they were saying about voting, They said one big reason they are voting was because America is no longer recognizable , our votes make a change even if people tell us they don’t, and we are women there was a point in history where we weren’t allowed to vote. I feel like this reading does a great job showing how aware, in tuned, and together this generation is. I personally feel like I fall right into these descriptions as well. I am aware of a lot and in tuned with everything that happens in my community. If I were to get interviewed about why I would vote I emphasis that I am a Black young adult in America and just a few years ago I didn’t have the right to vote. So If my ancestors fought for me to vote why wouldn’t I? These readings made me appreciate my peers a little more for the simple fact that we are so smart and resourceful.You can also learn a lot from each other even when we don’t agree. I don’t have any suggestions on what to add or change because we see what Gen Z is all about with these texts.

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Gen Z – Asha

One of the things in the readings that stood out to me the most was the fact that Gen Z has “little to no memory of the world as it existed before smartphones” i didn’t find it surprising because yes we are the most technologically advanced Generation but I did find is shocking because it never registered to me that there is a large percentage of the younger gen z will never even understand how life was before everyone had smartphones and advanced technology even when i saw memes that were like “kids today will never know….” it didn’t FULLY register that these kids that are being spoken about are the younger ones in my generation. Another point that stuck out to me is that our generation is the most “racially and ethnically diverse generation” and i agree with that in the sense that we interact with people outside of our own community we tend to learn from the source how their culture works whether it be in person or most of the time through social media platforms. one part that i disagreed with or was more shocked by was the idea that there are 22% of gen z between the ages of 18 and 23 who support Donald trump, while it is a low number its still mind boggling that as the most progressive, open minded, technologically advanced generation there are still some people who support him, but to each their own. The next thing is that gen z is on track to be the most educated generation and I feel because of all the technology in the palm of our hand and the knowledge we have literally in our pockets it would be a shock if we weren’t. at the end of the day im really proud whenever i see my generation winning but i know theres still a lot of work that needs to be done FOR us because sometimes it does feel like other generations put our generation on a pedestal and expect us to be okay mentally.

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Jesus Medina- Gen Z

One thing that stood out to me after reading these articles is how diverse Gen Z is. This makes them more likely to fight for equality since they don’t want to see their peers being discriminated against. Another thing that stood out to me was how big the impact of technology and social media is on Gen Z. They are able to get information quick and easy which makes it easier to get involved in social movements and the political world. It also makes it easier for their voice to be heard. Another thing that stood out to me is how active Gen Z is when it comes to current days issues. I think these articles do portray how this generation is. One thing I would add to the description of Gen Z is how adaptive we are. We were able to adapt to the change in the way we are learning this year. One thing they got right is how Gen Z is the best educated generation. This is because of the resources we have current day. After reading these articles, I felt like they were pretty spot on on the way they described this generation.

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Gen Z- Oumar Diakite

Some things that stood out to me while reading about gen z was how different gen z is to previous generations. Most of gen z was born into this technological period, which directly reflects how knowledgeable we are on many of today’s topics. Having access to social media and different forms of news has made this generation very aware and informed. I also noticed that generation z is far more diverse, having Latinos, Blacks, Asians, etc. all over the place. For example in one of the readings by Kim Parker and Ruth Igielnik, it states ” members of gen z are more racially and ethnically diverse than any previous generations.” I agree with this statement because I feel that compared to my parents, I do regularly interact with people of many different backgrounds. I was interested to see that many members of gen z are looking to bring change and resolve worldwide issues. They encourage others to vote, trying to uplift their communities to keep their best interests in mind. I feel that most if not all of these descriptions of generation z align with my beliefs and how I think. Being a part of this very diverse group of people who are driven by technology has really shown me how different older generations are.  The strongest reaction I received from the readings was admiration for the values gen z stands for.

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Gen Z

The first thing that stood out to me from my reading was that social media has become the new source of news for Gen Z.  The reason that stood out to me Is that it’s true and it seems so crazy because we used to watch this news channels to receive news but now we have all these new pages on Instagram or Snapchat and Twitter that allows us to keep up with the news. it’s become more convenient for us because it’s not something we have to watch at a certain time and with it being on social media we can see it whenever. the second thing that stood out to me was that 50% of the votes from gen Z will be going to Biden. I thought this was really cool to see because all I’ve been seeing around the news and social media is that there is a record-breaking number of people coming down to vote. that just makes me feel happy because I feel like people have realized that their vote matters and that Trump isn’t the best president and an order for him to not be re-elected they have to go in and vote. the very thing that stood out to me was that registered voters are more likely to support the police and the reason this going out to me was that I never really thought about it like that but thinking about it does make sense because the older people from what I’ve seen do support the police and the younger people from gen Z obviously protest against police brutality and think that they should be defunded so I thought that was really interesting. I think the way that they portrayed gen Z alliance with me and how I am is very similar. I’m an outspoken person and I do not stay quiet if I see something happening is wrong I’m also not one to stay quiet if I don’t like something that’s happening to me. I also don’t believe a lot of the things that my parents believed in which is a whole different generation for mine, I’m way more open-minded than my parents would ever be and I’m very open to new things and trying new things. one thing I’d like to add is that we are so brave for speaking up in fighting for what we believe in. it takes a lot of Courage for people especially the people that have parents with strong and different beliefs.

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Guadalupe Perez – Gen Z

I read the article ” 6 things to know about Gen Z, politics and 2020″, The first specific thing that stood out to me from my reading was that most of what it was saying was pretty much true for the most part. The second thing would have to be how they graphed their results. The last thing that popped out for me was how the main topics of discussion were numbered and underlined, I do not really see that much often so that stuck out for me. I would say to a good extent these portraits align with majority of Gen Z because I read some sentences and was like “lol that’s me” but I can not speak for anyone else. I would add that Gen Z is not really encouraged to vote until just recently. They got right that we are may not vote because we are not really taught the process of voting and may not be confident with it. They missed on explaining certain reason why Gen Z is the way they are, for example, the voting is not because we do not want to it is because some of us do not know or are not encouraged to do so. I have a friend who won’t vote because he does not like either party and speaking to him about how important it is to vote is quite useless because he is very stubborn. I would add that, how some of us are very naïve to voting because we do not really know much of it. After reading this piece I am feeling pensive because, how many more of my friends are not going out to vote because they do not think it is important? Also I am thinking that older people that are not Gen z who are reading this article might make their own interpretation of how every gen z youngster feels, thinks, or acts.

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Anupa Gulab – Gen Z

While reading the four articles, I learned a lot of new things about our generation, Gen Z. There are a few things that stood out to me from the articles, for example, “Generation Z represents the leading edge of the country’s changing racial and ethnic makeup.” (Kim Parker and Ruth Igielnik). Although I knew this already, the percentage make up is what shocked me. Even with a much smaller Hispanic, Black, Asian, and other racial make up this generation holds the spot for more racially and ethnically diverse. Another thing that stood out to me is that 38% of Gen Z are liberals and 18% are conservatives, however, for those registered to vote, only 30% of those are liberals and 35% are conservative. Lastly, a lot of Gen Z motives to vote is the fact that they feel like they do not have a choice, this is their only option for a better life in this country. According to the four articles, my self and my peers can definitely relate to the rest of our generation. I also agree with the general messages of those interviewed in the article by Kate Bubacz. I expected much less registered voters to be conservatives in this generation, so that left me pretty shocked. However, I still have a lot of faith in our generation knowing the majority are fighting for what is right.

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