Monthly Archives: December 2020

Thierno Diallo- Week 7

While scrolling through social media, I found this post and it caught my attention because of how funny and real it is. The “2nd grade” portion of this post displays the level of maturity and self control that both those presidential candidates had.

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Thierno Diallo- Week 9

When writing this essay, my focus was mainly on highlighting the way John Boyega used rhetorical devices to succeed in delivering his message with his speech. The thing that drew me to this speech was the reasoning behind the speech. The black lives matter movement is something that inspires me to more for the black community. So, for this speech to be a huge inspiration to all black lives is the main factor as to why I wrote on this speech. A few things in writing this essay was easy for me. Some of those thing were explaining the reason to why the rhetorical devices a talked about were valid in speech, giving a summary of the speech at the beginning of my essay, and putting everything together in the hand. The hardest part for me while writing this essay was analyzing the video and trying to listen all at once to determine what those rhetorical devices were. My understanding of the speech elevated because while analyzing it I was focused on small things such as body language, tone changes and the setting of the speech. All those played into what made the speech as meaningful as it was. I would like the reader of this essay to keep in mind that this essay is something that is talks about something that weighs heavy on many people. The importance 0f this speech is something that travels throughout the entire world. I would give this essay the grade of a B+ because I did a good job of explaining why I chose the rhetorical devices that I’ve chosen. However,  after reading it over I realized that I could’ve added more rhetorical devices that were used in Boyega’s speech.

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Thierno Diallo- Week 12

This past president election has been something that I had been focused on for weeks. The suspense of this election has been so much more drastic than any other election in history because of the amount of controversy that follows it. Also following the very interesting presidential debates that has led up to that election. I wasn’t able to vote this year due to my age, but encouraged my family and friends to do so. I was proud to see the amount of people that voted. It shows that people are finally stepping up to make change. I was surprised to see some republican states turn in favor for Biden. One of the deciding factors in this election was the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although I don’t believe that trump is as bad as everyone paints him out to be, it’s good to see Biden in office because this is a chance to change the way this system is run even if that change is minuscule.

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Cheyenne Martinez- Week 12

The presidential election has always had me on edge since the beginning. I worked on election day and it wasn’t as wild as many people thought. There were many first time voters, especially young people, so that was nice to see. I voted for my first time as well. Ever since we closed the poll site, every few hours I would refresh my phone safari page that had the electoral college results of each party. I had my doubts that Republican Donald Trump would win since coronavirus first took place. It hit his presidential campaign hard, too hard for recovery, unfortunately. Therefore, I’m not really surprised Trump lost, just disappointed. Fake news won.. From the 2020 presidential election, I will remember the memories I made with my fellow co-workers on election day at the poll site but most importantly, how America has failed me.

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Cheyenne Martinez- Week 13

The central idea of, “Here’s what to know about the dangers that go along with hosting Thanksgiving amid surging corona virus infections: What’s safe? What’s not?” Hartford Courant by Keith Grant is how you can have a safe Thanksgiving this year. He goes into detail on how you can celebrate thanksgiving with your loved ones despite the pandemic. Grant clearly is not against gathering on the holidays since he created an entire guide on how to do it with the least risk of exposure. Keith said who you should and should not allow to be around you on Thanksgiving celebrations and recommended what type of protocol you should do if you’re allowing non immediate family members to spend it with you.He was effective at expressing the options people are left with due to COVID-19 and what is suggested and what is not. He described what you can do to limit possible spreads of the virus so you can still enjoy the holiday with your friends and families. He was ineffective at using ethos. Hypothetically, as somebody looking into trying to spend the holiday with non family members, I would want real statistics or statements from professionals proving that it is okay or safe to do the things he said is. He had no proof behind what he was saying in the opinionated article. He failed at establishing credibility which is almost always necessary in order to persuade somebody.

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Assignments – Week 16

  1. Symposium Sessions – On Monday, December 7th and Wednesday, December 9th at 12:30pm, we will be holding our Symposium Sessions.  Please be sure that your group is ready to go.  Each group will have 15-20 minutes to share what they have prepared.  Attendance at both sessions is mandatory.
  2. Research Based Project Reflection – Once your group has completed its Symposium Session, please fill out this Research Based Project Reflection Form and return it to me.  You will not receive a grade for your project until I get your form.  Please complete this form by Friday, December 11th.
  3. Peer Review – As we discussed, you will be providing peer review feedback to the other members of your Research Groups.  You can find your partners’ drafts in our shared “Writing and Democracy” folder, or if your draft is not in that folder, you can share your file with the other members of the group.  If you are in a four person group, please arrange things so that each of you reviews two drafts.  (If you find yourself in a situation in which your partners’ have not shared drafts, so you don’t have anything to review, please let me know, so that I can monitor the situation.)   Use this Peer Review Form to guide your response, keeping in mind that these essays should be written for an audience of your peers.  The Peer Review Form is in our shared folder, so you can access it there as well.  Copy and paste your form at the bottom of the essay you are reviewing.  Please complete your peer review by Friday, December 11th.
  4. Op-Ed Essays: Your final essays are due on Monday, December 14th, uploaded to  I am happy to give feedback or to meet with you about your drafts; December 12th is the last day you can share any work with me to get feedback.
  5. Deadline to Withdraw from Course;  Just a gentle reminder that December 13th is the last day to withdraw from the course with a grade of “W”.  If you find yourself in a situation in which you are unlikely to pass the class, this option allows you to avoid having an “F” on your transcript.  If you are not sure about your status in the course, please reach out to me so that we can discuss your situation directly.
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Healthcare Research Guide

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Poverty RefAnnBib

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Police Reform RefAnnBib

Police Reform RefAnnBib – Google Docs

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Immigration RefAnnBib

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