Monthly Archives: November 2020

Assignments – Week 15

We are in the home stretch of the semester!  Most of your work this week is simply about moving forward on all your final assignments.  The end is in sight!

–Office Hours:  I will be holding my regular office hours on Monday, November 30th at 12:30pm.  Feel free to stop by if you want to discuss any aspect of your final project or anything else that is on your mind.

–Resource Guides: As you know, your research guides are due on Monday, November 30th.  Please review the instructions for the project and be sure you have included all the required parts, identified the author of each RefAnnBib entry by including his/her initials in parentheses at the end of the entry, and compiled all the entries into one alphabetically organized bibliography.  If you do NOT have your completed Resource Guide ready to submit, you need to reach out to me to discuss a plan for getting the work done.

–Symposium Sessions:  See my post from last week if you need a reminder about when your group is scheduled to share its work and about what forms your Symposium Session might take.  You will have some time with your group on Wednesday during our Zoom.  At that session, I will expect each group to be ready to share with me orally its plan for the session, so be preparedOur sessions will take place on Monday, December 7th and Wednesday, December 9th at 12:30pm.  Both sessions are mandatory for all students.

–Op-Ed Essays:. Please read carefully the separate post that describes this assignment in detail.  Last week I asked you to share with me your idea for the Op-Ed.  (This means what topic are you addressing and what argument are you making.) If I haven’t yet seen your proposed idea for the Op-Ed, please get it to me immediately.  You can either share your thoughts in a Google Doc or send me an email explaining what you are thinking about.  In class on Wednesday, you will be asked to share your idea.  Give some thought to how you can express your point clearly and succinctly.  Drafts of the Op-Ed Essay are due on Friday, December 4th.  Please upload your draft to our shared Google Doc folder, and give it a title whose format is:  YOUR NAME /OP-ED DRAFT

–Peer Review:  We will be going through a peer review process for the Op-Ed assignment.  Please check the blog on Friday for instructions about the peer review process.  Remember that, if you are slow to review your peer’s draft, you are effectively delaying his/her progress on the assignment.   Please be sure that you complete your peer review within the time framework that is assigned.

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Op-Ed Essay Assignment

750-1000 words

Drafts Due: Friday, December 4th (Google Doc)

Final Op-Eds Due: Monday, December 14th (

Your final essay assignment this semester is writing an Op-Ed essay.  The name op-ed comes from the fact that, in most newspapers, the opinion pieces we call “op-eds” appear opposite the newspaper’s editorial page.  (The editorial page is where the editors of the newspaper express their own opinions through short pieces known as “editorials.”) On a newspaper’s op-ed page, you can find opinion-based pieces from both regular columnists, scholars and other experts, and ordinary citizens who are sharing their perspectives on subjects that are important to them.

Your task in this essay is to take a stand on an issue that is important to you that relates in some way to the broad subject of your research project.  You will need to start the process by thinking deeply about what your most strongly held convictions are regarding your topic.  (Perhaps you are in the Poverty group and want to write about the minimum wage, or you are in the Climate Change group and want to write about fracking, or you are in the Immigration group and want to discuss Trump’s Muslim Ban….). Whatever issue you decide to write about, keep in mind that your op-ed should express a specific, well-defined point of view, informed by your research and by your own lived experience.  The more specific and personal your essay is, the more effective it will be.  It might be helpful here to reflect on the op-eds you were assigned to read for class and think about what kinds of rhetorical moves you responded to as a reader.  What brings an essay alive and makes you sympathetic to the author?

The op-ed is a persuasive genre, whose goal is not just to inform, but to persuade, so think about how to convince the reader to embrace your point of view.  For the purposes of this assignment, let’s assume your peers are your readers.. What arguments are most likely to be compelling to them?  Remember that you can (and should) draw on your understanding of logos, pathos, and ethos in constructing your argument.  You can stick to one rhetorical strategy or use more than one over the course of this short essay.  This essay should have a voice that is authentically your own.  Don’t worry about trying to sound authoritative or scholarly; use your own natural voice to address an audience of your peers.  How will you connect with them and bring them to share your perspective?

For additional resources and tips on writing an op-ed, see this guide produced by Harvard University:  “How to Write an Op-Ed”

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Assignments – Week #14

Again, your work for the week is primarily to continue to move forward on all aspects of your Research Based Project.

Group Meetings: As described below, each group will be meeting with me on Monday, Nov. 23rd to discuss your progress on the Research Based Project.  We will be checking in about the Resource Guide, Symposium Sessionand Op-Ed Essay.  This is a mandatory session.  We will NOT be having class on Wednesday, November 25th.

Resource Guide:. Many, but not all of you, submitted sample entries of the RefAnnBib.  I have provided important feedback, so please be sure to read carefully any comments I’ve left on your documents and be sure you understand what you will need to do to bring your RefAnnBib up to the standards required by the assignment.  Some important (and fairly obvious) things to keep in mind:

  • You need to actually read every source you write a RefAnnBib.  If I’m not actually read the text, you will get no credit for that entry.
  • You need to select sources that directly address the questions your group has identified for its research.  We are looking for the best sources, not the ones that simply come up at the top of your search.
  • summary tells us what the article actually says.  This is not the same thing as telling us what it’s about.  In order to receive credit, your summary must lay out the main idea or argument that the author is making.  This means that you have to dive deeply into each source and work to understand its main points.
  • Your bibliographic entry (section 1 of the RefAnnBib) must adhere to MLA 8 guidelines.  You can find these guidelines online or under the tab at the top of the blog.  These guidelines tell you what information you must include in your entry and how it should be formatted.
  • Once each member of the group has completed his/her five entries, the entire guide must be assembled.  The sources need to be compiled in alphabetical order, according to authors’ last names (or titles, in cases where a source has no author).  Your group’s RefAnnBib should have either 15 or 20 entries.  To get credit for your work, place your initials in parentheses at the end of each of your five RefAnnBib entries.  In addition to the RefAnnBib, your group’s completed Resource Guide will included your Research Questions and a final section in which you offer Additional Resources.  The Resource Guides are due on Monday, November 30th.

Symposium Sessions – Please see my separate post about your Symposium Sessions.  These will happen on December 7th and December 9th.  All students must attend BOTH of these Zoom sessions!!!  We will talk about the sessions during our conferences on Monday, Nov. 23rd.  I am also available by email throughout the Thanksgiving Break as questions arise.

Op-Ed Essay – Stay tuned for more details about your Op-Ed Essay assignment.  This is a short (approx. 750 word) opinion based writing assignment in which you will be making the case for a strongly held view about some aspect of your research subject.  An op-ed essay is written for a general audience and attempts to persuade readers to accept a particular point of view.  Please be ready to share with me (either on our calls on Monday, 11/23 or via email) the issue you intend to write about.  This means not just identifying the problem you are concerned about, but also spelling out the point of view you want to convey in your essay.  This is a chance for you to make the case for something you genuinely care about.  I can’t wait to read your essays!  Drafts of the Op-Ed are due by December 4th,.

Office Hours – I will be having regular office hours on Monday, November 30th at 12:30.  This is a great opportunity to confer with me about your Op-Ed idea, your Symposium Session plans, or last minute questions about your Research Based Project.  You can drop-in to speak with me spontaneously, or you can email me to make an appointment.  Either way, I will be happy to see you.


Finally, I hope that, despite all the work that remains ahead of you, you find time over the Thanksgiving Break to take a deep breath, go for a (socially distanced, masked) walk, spend time with family, eat something delicious, and give yourself some credit for making it through this challenging first semester of college.  I know that it hasn’t been easy, and I am grateful to you for sticking with it and for showing so much resilience and focus! Happy Thanksgiving!

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Symposium Sessions – December 7th and 9th

In ancient Greece, the symposium was a part of the banquet that took place after the meal, when drinking for pleasure was accompanied by music, dance, and conversation.  In modern usage, a symposium is a meeting, discussion, or conference about a particular topic.

For our purposes, your symposium session is your group’s opportunity to discuss its research with the class.  Please note that this is NOT a standard presentation in which you present slides while the rest of the class listens.  Your job is to find a way to engage the class in a lively discussion about some aspect of your topic.  This means thinking first about what question or issue you want to highlight, and then figuring out a format or structure for your session that will be participatory.  You can hold the symposium with the whole class, or we can break into breakout rooms.   But if we use breakout rooms, you will need to have a careful plan that will guide the groups through their activity in the breakout rooms.  Although we are not looking for powerpoint presentations, you certainly can use audio-visual aids like slides or video during your session.  I would encourage you to think about creative strategies to engage your classmates (i.e. games, quizzes, contests, hypothetical situations, role playing, etc….)

Each group has 15-20 minutes, including any discussion or question and answer period.  Every member of the group must be an active participant in the session.

Sessions will be judged for:

Content (Is the session clearly related to your research material and informed by your research findings?  Does it show that you have a deep and substantive understanding of your topic?)

Preparation (Does it reflect careful thought, planning, and preparation?)

Engagement (Are you able to create an active, participatory experience for the class?)



December 7th:  Immigration, Police Reform, Climate Change

December 9th: Criminal Justice, Health Care, Poverty


Anyone who is absent for his/her group’s symposium session will earn a “zero” for that part of the Research Based Assignment.  Group members who are present, but non-participatory will see that reflected in their grades as well.

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Week 13 – Rasheed Hall

In the article “Padma Lakshmi: Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris Moved Me to Tears” the central idea is that Kamala Harris has raised the bar for people of color especially women. Kamala Harris defeated the odds, being the daughter Jamaican and Indian immigrant parents; she rose through the ranks of “American power” to eventually reach Vice President of the United States of America. Harris achievements not only set a bar, but it encourages children and women in America that anything is possible. The author growing up having to face discrimination throughout her life now sees Kamala Harris, a person whose grandparents lived in the same area as her grandparents and interacted on a daily basis in India, in a position of power in America today. It shows how much Kamala Harris has gone a long way to achieve the position she is in today. What I found effective about the piece was the background stories involving their grandparents. A key effective talking point was about Kamala raises the standards for all women and especially people of color. Kamala becoming the first female and child of immigrants Vice President is now setting the precedent for future politicians that come from different backgrounds.

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Week 12 – Rasheed Hall

What surprised me the most about the 2020 election was how unpredictable everything was. I had a feeling Joe Biden would win, but I honestly I thought it would’ve been more contested. Seeing how all key battleground states turn from Republican to Democrat due to mail in ballots shows how democracy really works. The anticipation of waiting days to see who would be the President in 2020 was a rollercoaster ride because of how unpredictable everything was and seeing constant updates everyday made it more interesting. No one truly knows who the president was until the end because there were no clear answers or updates since everything changed because of the pandemic.

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Rasheed Hall – Gen Z Interview

  1. Who are you going to vote for during the 2020 Election and why?
  2. Do you feel as if your vote is going to make a difference?
  3. How engaged are you into politics?


Omar 17,


  1. I’m not voting because I don’t care about politics.


  1. Since I already said I’m not going to vote, no I don’t think it will make any difference.


  1. I’m not engaged in it whatsoever.


Solie 19,


  1. Joe Biden, because I want someone else to be president besides Trump.


  1. Not really because New York always votes Democrat, but I just wanted to vote since it’s my first time voting in an election.


  1. Im not really into politics, I just read headlines here and there but it isn’t my main focus.



Christian 18,


  1. Joe Biden, because he’s a better candidate than Trump.


  1. I don’t see my vote making a big difference, but my mom and sister was going to the polls and asked me to go with them so I went.


  1. I’m not engaged at all, I just want to see Trump out of office.



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Rasheed Hall – Gen Z

Three specific things that have stood out to me while I was reading is that many Gen Z share many common viewpoints when it comes to many progressive issues. Gen Z are the most educated generation compared to their counterparts. The last specific thing was that many of Gen Z gets most of their information in regards to politics from social media. These portraits of Gen Z are fairly accurate when it comes to my peers and I because it shows that even though many are concerned about what’s going on in American politics a fair share of them don’t because they believe that their vote won’t really make a difference.  The only thing I would like to add is that Most Gen Z isn’t really into politics because they feel as if it’s something they can control. Growing up we believe that our vote really doesn’t matter because every politician spews the same nonsense about “change” but nothing really changes, it’s the same thing over and over. Another thing that should be more heavily enforced is that if Gen Z were politically active, they will lean liberal on many political issues, even though it is mentioned in one of the articles, most Gen Z are not really into politics like myself included because I feel like our politicians won’t really make a difference, they just use their campaigns as talking points to lure new voters into believing what they are saying. If I was interviewed I would’ve added that I’m not politically active and I really don’t any concern on what’s going on politically because I feel as if my voice doesn’t matters. The “elders” is what rule congress and the White House, their style of thinking is outdated when it comes to sensitive issues but they don’t care enough to address it because they think just because of their “age” there are more smarter compared to us the “Gen Z”. After reading these pieces, I’m not surprised they don’t provoke any strong emotions because they are typical. Most of the responses and data I have read and interpreted is something that I have known already.

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Week 8 – Rasheed Hall

  1. There is a rhetoric behind everything, which includes everyday things we endure such as advertisements, ideas, political agendas, and the way how we judge others. Rhetoric is thing that we face in everyday society. The media also uses rhetoric persuade us and buy their products, companies use ethos to attract consumers by establishing trust within their brand. Rhetoric is everywhere because rhetoric is basically persuasion, and the idea of having an meaning. There is a hidden rhetoric behind everything we see on a daily basis, even if it’s the small things that we usually don’t notice in life.
  2. In fact, according to rhetorician Kenneth Burke, rhetoric is everywhere: “wherever there is persuasion, there is rhetoric. And wherever there is ‘meaning,’ there is ‘persuasion.’ This quote basically explains that there is rhetoric is basically persuasion. Rhetoric is designed to lure the audience into believing the information that is given to them. Also, for something to have meaning it has to persuade the audience into believing what the concept behind the idea their reading about. Rhetoric is everywhere but hidden and it is up to the audience to decipher what the meaning actually is behind the rhetoric.
  3. This essay affects the rhetorical analysis I’m working on because it shows that rhetoric is everywhere and its up to the person that’s writing to persuade their audience into believing what he or she is saying. Rhetoric is persuasion, in order to have a good rhetoric one must understand how to convey their thoughts in a way in which conveys meaning. As the quote above says, “rhetoric is everywhere: “wherever there is persuasion, there is rhetoric. And wherever there is ‘meaning,’ there is ‘persuasion.’ In order for my piece to be stronger, I have to be more persuasive in my writing.
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Week 7 – Rasheed Hall

While the 2020 election was heating up, I saw a post with a Twitter back in fourth with President Trump and Joe Biden, Trump says “If Joe Biden becomes President of America I will leave the country” and Biden responds with the comment “Bi-den”. It was clever and funny because it was something that you wouldn’t expect from our presidential comments, but Biden’s cleverness is what drawn in the younger audience that sees it because it shows that he has a humor during a serious situation that is going on. On Biden’s part it was a smart move.

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