Booker T. Washington

3b) Washington changed history through his speeches. He believed that a frontal assault against white power institutions would be useless. Instead he urged blacks to build up their segregated communities and find protection in them. A white employer was more likely to hire a docile black person so humbleness is what he advised.

3c) Booker T. Washington did what he did because was a slave himself. He understood what is was like to be ground down under slavery and he wanted the best for his people. He felt that rebellion would only get them killed. They should isolate themselves and grow away from whites. His motivation was a genuine desire to improve the lives of ex slaves and blacks throughout Reconstruction and moving forward.

3d) Why don’t you feel that blacks can achieve a greater status than whites if given the same oppurtunities?

Why do you think black people should not try to combat segregation?

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