
Jackie’s Trip to Baruch

After waking up in her friends apartment, Jackie’s commute to school was a little different then normal. Instead of having to take the train she only had to walk about a mile to campus. First, she walked out of the apartment building and along avenue c. While on avenue c she bumped into a lady who had put her cat in her shopping cart. She laughed inside remembering the time her and her sister tried to put their 100 pound pit bull in the bike basket. As she continued to walk and make a left turn onto 23rd street she saw a gentlemen wearing a Baruch t shirt. She immediately wondered if she knew him, but when she realized she didn’t she continued to walk. A few steps later she made a right turn onto 3rd avenue and walked into the bagel express. Upon walking in she realized the lady who usually works was not there. This made her curious about where the lady was, since she has never been to the bagel place when the lady was not there, but she probably just had a day off and it was nothing to worry about. After getting her hazelnut iced coffee, she proceeded to walk into the vertical campus building and up to class.


Simultaneity of Tuesday morning.

Matthew leaves the threshold of his home, going through the normal ritualistic pat-down, phone, check, keys, check, wallet, check, brain?… sure. Sigh, right then keep going. He paid no attention to the blocks as he passed them, instead lost in his head among thoughts of what needs doing and who needs calling, when he got to the railway overpass leading to the mall and subway. Dry as a bone. He like this bridge, usually, sometimes there are huddles of teenagers looking like they might want to vandalize something, but sometimes there’s a little kid with their parent, looking over the side as a train comes by and jumping up as it passes under them, as if it would have hit them. He’d done that to with his parents standing by and watching, imaginably with equal glee to the looks of the parents he saw now. But there was no one here today, not as he crossed the bridge or as he started down from it. As he took a step down he slipped, and launched his keys from his hand down onto the tracks below. Peering over the side he couldn’t see his keys anymore, but that had been years ago on a snowy day, and his keys were not there anymore.


Narrative Essay(Thet Oo)

This morning Thet left his house, walked toward the 44 bus station on Main Street. He noticed the Chase bank was empty. When he was on the 7 train, he noticed a man with two identical twins. Then, thoughts about mid-terms and the recent memory about some of the mistakes he made came to his mind. He got out of the 7 train and transfer to 6 train at Grand Central station. On the way to transfer to 6 train, he noticed that there were some people handing out flyers related to Christianity. Once he got on the 6 train, he saw a woman wearing a very interesting who was focusing on playing game on her cell home. Thought about the mid-terms came back again, while walking to the Newman Vertical Campus at Baruch.


Indirect Discourse

Anita stepped out of her house, accepting the warm weather on her skin, she started to go on with her usual Tuesday journey to the train station. Along the way streets were filled with kids, how lucky it must be to be young and have a day off from school. As Anita got closer to the station, she realized that she was going to be late for class due to construction on the Manhattan bound side of the N train. Sighing and taking the extra effort to get to class, she then went to take the Coney Island bound N train to transfer to the Manhattan bound D train. The amount of people waiting for the same train is ridiculous; these must be the same people she misses when there is a Manhattan bound N train. Anita proceeds to take the D train to Broadway-Lafayette to transfer to the six train. Two stops later on the six train, at 23rd street station, she gets out of the wrong exit. Despite the extra street, the walk was pleasant and it was a change from the usual for Anita. As she approached Baruch, she realized she had time to buy coffee from the vendor who was staring into the abyss.


Aiesha’s journey to Baruch College

That morning Aiesha started off her day as usual , she left her house to start off her journey to school( Baruch College). She took an empty elevator to the main lobby , upon exiting her building she noticed that the bus was approaching her way, as she boarded she saw that it wasn’t crowded “hmmm.. on a monday morning, rare “she thought .She continued her journey by taking the 5 train to grand central 42nd where she would then have to transfer to the 6.While boarding the 5 train she came across a familiar  face , it had been a client she had a few days back .She felt a bit annoyed .The customer was asking her about work related things while she was trying to study for her Spanish exam.Once she reached grand central ,the 6 train was waiting right across the platform she made a quick run for it and make it just before the doors closed.While on the 6 train she overheard 2 coworkers bickering about a client .Her stop finally came and she exited the train.As she made an attempt to walk to school a lady stood right in front of on the sidewalk blocking her from crossing she said excuse me over 3 times , but no response from the lady . There was a lady standing  right by Aiesha who couldn’t bare no more,  she yelled “EXCUSE ME” and shoved her out the way. On the bright side Aiesha got to school right on time for her exam


Brianna’s 3rd Person Journey to Baruch

This morning Brianna left her house and was sadden when she realized that winter would soon be here. She got onto the Q38 and surprisingly it wasn’t extremely crowded, but she was still annoyed because there was a lady in a rush to get off the bus. When the bus got to Queens Blvd the woman ran under everyone’s arms. When Brianna got onto the R train the sounds of people coughing grossed her out. There was a train performer at the Lexington 59th Street stop, but she just passed him up in a hurry. She hopped on the 6 train and was happy when she saw an empty seat. Once seated Brianna overheard a couple talking about vacation plans, this made her hopeful about her up and coming cruise in June. When Brianna got off at the 23rd Street station she passed by Starbucks and saw that the line was too long for her to get coffee before class. Then she walked to Baruch without even thinking, but then she thought about the first time she came to Baruch. Which was with her mother, and then she began to reminisce and miss her mother.


Gagandeep Kaur’s 3rd person Journey to Baruch

This morning Gagandeep left her house to go to Baruch College. She saw that the flowers in the front of her house were wilting. This made her feel sad because they were so pretty during the summer. She thought to herself, “I should probably remove these from the yard.” As she continued to walk to the Elmhurst Avenue Station she said “hello” to her neighbor who was walking her dog. She realized she should get a dog too. Gagandeep got to the Elmhurst Avenue Station and took the R train to 23rd street. Once on the train, she was disgusted and grossed out by the people who wouldn’t cover their mouths while coughing. After getting out of the train full of sick people, she walked from Madison Park to Baruch College. On the way there she asked herself, “Why are people always running across the street when it’s a green light and a car is approaching?” She thought people were crazy and risk takers. She then crossed the street and walked the rest of the way to Baruch College.


Matthew Edelson – Third Person Journey to Baruch

Matthew started his day by leaving his house at 6:00 AM when he drove to a local bagel store to by breakfast. He noticed that there was an abnormally large amount of customers for it being so early in the morning. He then drove to the train station where he would take the LIRR to Penn Station. While on the train, he noticed that the majority of people were sleeping. This reminded him that he too was tired so he decided to go to sleep as well. After arriving at Penn Station, he began to walk to 34th Street- Herald Square Station where he would take the R subway to school. While walking he noticed that the sun was particularly bright, causing everyone to shield their eyes. This brought him back to this past summer and made him want to visit the beach. After taking the subway, he got off at 23rd street and walked down the road to Baruch.