Jackie’s Trip to Baruch

After waking up in her friends apartment, Jackie’s commute to school was a little different then normal. Instead of having to take the train she only had to walk about a mile to campus. First, she walked out of the apartment building and along avenue c. While on avenue c she bumped into a lady who had put her cat in her shopping cart. She laughed inside remembering the time her and her sister tried to put their 100 pound pit bull in the bike basket. As she continued to walk and make a left turn onto 23rd street she saw a gentlemen wearing a Baruch t shirt. She immediately wondered if she knew him, but when she realized she didn’t she continued to walk. A few steps later she made a right turn onto 3rd avenue and walked into the bagel express. Upon walking in she realized the lady who usually works was not there. This made her curious about where the lady was, since she has never been to the bagel place when the lady was not there, but she probably just had a day off and it was nothing to worry about. After getting her hazelnut iced coffee, she proceeded to walk into the vertical campus building and up to class.