My Journey through New York City – Thet Oo

Times Square

Quote #1:“My tongue, every atom of my blood, form’d from this soil, this air,

Born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their parents the same.” (Song of Myself, 6-7)


I would use this quote from Whitman’s “Song of Myself” poem to describe my experience of Times Square because it is a place, in New York City, where we can actually meet different individuals from all over the world. Thus, It is a place to have a true experience of diversity and interconnectivity just by simply observing and interacting with individuals from different countries. Furthermore, it also reminds me of the theory “replacement hypothesis,” coined by paleoanthropology in 1980s, which explains the human evolution and claims that we all came from the same origin.


Baruch College

Quote #2: “The monkeys said, to each other, ‘we didn’t know where this water comes from. Since we have nothing to do today, let us follow the stream up to its source to have some fun.’ ‘Reaching its source, they found a great waterfall.’ (Journey to the West)


The quote from “Journey to the West” describes how a group of monkey discovered a great place where they can reside without having to worry about the immediate danger and attack from other animals. It can be used to describe my journey that ultimately brought me to New York and prompted my decision to pursue Finance major at Baruch College. My decision to follow my inquisitiveness not only led me to discover my true passion but also opened more doors for opportunities.



Empire State Building

Quote #3: “‘You will hence be given the religious name ‘Wake-to-Vacuity’, all right?’, ‘Splendid! Splendid!’, said the monkey. (Journey to the West, 436)


This quote is a perfect description of my “eureka” moment that I had when I was on the top floor of Empire State Building. That panoramic view from the top of the building gave me a sense that how large the entire city was and encouraged me to get outside of my head more often to enjoy the presence.

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One thought on “My Journey through New York City – Thet Oo

  1. Hey Thet Oo, I felt that I could relate to your post. When I was first deciding which college to go to I felt lost. However, I was told by many how good Baruch College was and how nice the people were. Not only did I make the same decision to go to Baruch but I feel that it was the right decision in terms of finding my true passion which is also Finance. At the same time, the feeling you got from being all the way at the top of the empire state building I got from Baruch. Taking classes on the top floors at Baruch and looking out the window showed me just how much the city had to offer and that I should discover more of it.

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