Journey to Uber Office
It all started at my house on Ferndale Ave, Jamaica, Queens,New York. When you read the poem song of myself, it talks about self-fulfillment and self-actullization through our interconnection with the world. This reminds of my journey yesterday from my house to Uber office and to LIRR Taxi stand in Queens.
I woke up yesterday to the sound of my two weeks son’s crying. Thank God that babies in thier first one month always cry early in the morning to set their parents off to their daily routine. Yesterday at home wasn’t just a typical day. The celebration of the world through Whitman eyes in Song of Myself set thing up for me at home. I normally leave the house to go to work or school and my wife takes over after me but yesterday was diffferent. She wasn’t well due to her c-section with our son. So, I had to organized everything and prepared the baby food before leaving to Uber office to fulfill that need of self actuallization.
When I got to Uber office, things were different. As mention in the Heart Sutra that “form is emptiness and emptiness is form.” This actually became a reality, when I visited Uber office. Their use of emptiness through form in their customer service office where every desk is far apart but interconnection through the work they all share. Their customer service office is rectangular: on both sides of the wall there is a long line of customers service representatives and in the middle of this rectangular form–the customers form line to await their names to be call. I was called to interact with this emptiness that connected all of us as mention the Heart Sutra. I was able to signup for Uber as one of their professional vehicle owner. Eventhough needs are endless, but I was able to fulfill that need of self actualization that I now owned an SUV that is with Uber.
At the LIRR Taxi stand in Queens. After leaving Uber office where form was emptiness and emptiness was form, I was set to face the celebration of the world through Whitman. I was excited of my new fulfillment and actuallization that I am now ready to interact with the world. At the Station, my Uber apps on the Iphone flash for pickup and I 0kay it. This customer approach my car and asked” what is your initial” and she said it. But this connection through Uber app and the customer is manificent that this world is actually interconnected as rightfully said by Whitman in Song of Myself that people see the world through him.