How Shantanu got to Baruch

This morning started off when Shantanu saw an old man slowly crossing the street and somehow, that reminded him of his grandpa. He just felt the void his grandpa filled each time I saw him and it has been a while since he saw him. Shantanu blanked out for a second and flashed back to the happy times they both took walks in the park. Then he decided to move on and once he got onto the M train, he noticed it was very empty and assumed it was probably because rush hour was over. It was similar to the time he was heading home from the city at 1 am. The moment he realized he was the only one in the cart, for a spilt second, he felt a rush of happiness. It felt like he owned the place; the king of the hill. Sadly, things just changed out of the blue once he got onto the 6. It went from a blissful silence to scary and creepy. A homeless guy, or weird guy (really couldn’t tell), just sat next to Shantanu. While homeless Harry asked him weird questions, like how old are you and where do you go to school, he thought to him what would happened if he punched the guy in the face. But luckily his stop came. He felt greatly relieved to get off the train. Once he got to Gregorys for coffee, he noticed he didn’t even need to say the order because the cashier already knew it.