Matthew Edelson – A Sketch of The Past

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For my mind map on Clarissa Dalloway, I decided to examine all of the people who are closest related to her. These connections are what constantly go through her stream of conscience, and give readers insight into her feelings and emotions. In Virginia Wolf’s A Sketch of the Past, she states “Behind the cotton wool [of daily life] is hidden a pattern; that we—I mean all human beings—are connected with this…”. This quote is very telling  and applicable to Clarissa on many levels. At the beginning of the novel, Clarissa is on a walk in London to buy flowers for her party. Behind all of the people and chaos in London is a true sense of connectedness and readers are exposed into Clarissa’s sense of connection. Primarily, she has thoughts on the four people listed in the mind map. It can be seen that Clarissa has the closest similarities and connections to Septimus Warren. They are both “lost souls” who are facing depression and have no sense of identity. Neither are understood by their significant other which causes them to be very solitary. In regards to Clarissa’s connection with her husband, she does not feel very close to him as she feels that she is a mere representative of him (as he is a prominent member of parliament). Finally, it is revealed that the one person who Clarissa does have a sense of connection with is Sally Senton. The two of them had a connection that she did not feel with any other people, and one that she especially lacked within her own marriage.