The word tree ( Hybrid assignment)

Hybrid Assignmen

This entire book seems to surrounded by negative emotions. Each character is either pretending to be someone because of something he/she went through or is unable to move on from the past. For example, Septimus is traumatized by what he saw in the war. Everything he sees in his everyday life, he connects it back to the war. In reality, a person who has PTSD would have some kind of help to get him through the tough times. Septimus’ wife, Rezia, didn’t seem to enough love him anymore by the way she took care of him. She only seems to keep the facade of her love for her suffering husband as a front for the public. Her actions make me think they she considers Septimus a burden. Mrs. Dalloway also has a facade of a happy wife. Through the point of view of the narrator, we are able to see what is happening inside each person’s head and clearly, Mrs. Dalloway definitely has whole load of regret in her life. As she thinks back to her youth, she wonders how her life was a total waste. She didn’t end up with the man she loved, her husband wasn’t the best lover and no matter how hard she tries, in my opinion, her life doesn’t seem to have much positivity to it. The real Clarissa is trapped somewhere behind the person that is trying to meet societal expectations. All the people in London, still seemed to be horrified by the war. The boom of the car exhaust made people thing as if a bomb had just went off. Being startled is one thing, but frightened and horrified is another. The tree connects all the people’s emotions and ideas. I feel as though they are trying to look happy but are still terrified on the inside.