Extra Credit- Ghosts

To be honest, I didn’t even know where I was or what the place was supposed to be. The place literally looked like a low lit motel from the 80’s with small rooms. After I talked to the worker there, I understood that the exhibit was just two rooms. I thought the hotel was part of the exhibit. When I saw the paintings, it reminded me of the Stream of Consciousness. “Mrs. Dalloway” was in the point of view of an omniscient narrator. Through that we were able to see each person’s inner thoughts. The exhibit also portrays people’s inner feelings in reaction to their environment. Adelson painted the people to look as if they are possessed by actual ghosts. These spirits are the ones that create the façade that other people see. In truth, the person isn’t really in control of his/her reaction to the environment. Also one of the guys in the painting, could really use a facelift. Even though he does fit the theme, but I think in this one Adelson might have gone too far. The theme of the exhibit is actually pretty interesting. It raises the question of if people are actually who they say they are. Some people pretend to be strong and confident but internally, they are intimidated by anything outside of their comfort zone. Today’s society forces individuals to take on such a façade and I think this is part of the negative environment Adelson talks about in her exhibit. We wear these masks so that it seems like we are meeting society’s norms.