“Girl”- Who do you think I am?

What do I look like to you? An animal you train at a circus? A slave that you can freely boss around? A person that will let you push them around? I am none of those things. I am my own person. I have my own conscience and my own feelings. If you think that being a “domesticated” human will make me a proper person, you are wrong. I will learn these things but not for you. I will learn to press my own clothes, to cook my own food, to buy my own bread and dress the way I feel like. What others think of me is none of my concern and the way I want to express myself is none their concern. Singing in Sunday school doesn’t make me a slut. Wearing something other than a dress doesn’t make me a slut. It would be better to leave this place if you think I have already become a slut. If you don’t want me to be a slut, then why are you teaching me how make medicine to throw away a child. I am intelligent enough to understand who to have a baby with so there is no need for me to learn these things.

All these standards in society for women degrade their individuality. It seems like we are training young girls to live up to other’s expectations. All these things are important to learn but not just for women. Men and women both need to know how do domestic chores. Society makes it seem like abnormal when the man stays at home and the women makes the money. In today’s world, all these outdated beliefs are hindering our ability to progress as a species. We need to be more open minded but certain individuals refuse to give up their rigid mindsets.