
Girl Assignment

I know the kind of women I am becoming. I’m not sorry but I AM pleased to inform you that I am NOT becoming that slut you think I am. Although I have learned many things from you and am appreciative of them all, let’s analyze you for a second. Answer me this question, when was the last time you set the table for breakfast or dinner or any damn meal of the day? When was the last time you washed the white clothes on a Monday and put them on a stone heap? But most importantly, when will you stop looking at me, and take a long look at the mirror and judge yourself?

Does telling me the obvious give you some type of satisfaction? The day will come in which I will no longer be around to get judged by you, and that will be the day that you will drown in your own loneliness and depression. Therefor I will be the one to tell you to make sure you clean everyday even if its with your own tears.

Remember this. The roles always change. It started off by you teaching me and telling me how to do these chores a female must do, but, when you start getting older it is I who will be teaching and telling YOU how to do these things all over again. Do you remember how to sew a button? When was the last time you folded Father’s khaki shirt and pants without a crease?

Enjoy the time that you are able to tell me all these things, but remember this the roles will change. The baker only allows certain type of women.


Character connections in Mrs. Dalloway

Mrs. dalloway


Each of these four circles contains characteristics that I see in the novel that connect and shape the plot, how I see the characters behave and make conclusions about how they feel. The time period and events that go on in the story can also connect how the world is a work of art, seeing how the characters behave and the lack of family connection shows how theses characters have their own world as a work of art. Post-war causes the characters to live in fear; on that cloudy day that Clarissa went to buy the flowers,the explosion of the car and an airplane flying by caused the characters in the own to get scared because living through a war, they experienced many bomb explosions, many airplanes passing by dropping bombs. They continue to live in this fear that any loud noise or planes flying by could be yet another bomb or a shooting. Septimus is one character who is pretty delusional because of the war and the things he experienced and went through while fighting in the war. Although he does suffer from PTSD, his wife also gets effected by his disorder, since she is always around Septimus she gets influenced by seeing her husband suffer from this disorder. This could be very difficult for someone to live with because they don’t have a piece of normality in their life, they have to deal with someone who has this condition who possibly may never have a normal, stable life again. Observing how Clarissa and her husband Richard don’t really connect with one another, they kind of just put up with each other to full fill the title of being husband and wife. I feel like back then people got married to unite 2 different families, not because they were in love and wanted to spend the rest of their lives with each other. Being that Clarissa is of upper society, she must marry someone who is also of upper society to not cause any issues between her family members. Throughout the novel, I noticed that husband and wives don’t have a connection, parents with children don’t have a connection either, they lack that love and care that family members are supposed to give each other. This lack of family connection causes loneliness within the characters, the day that clarissa went to buy flowers, all the things she was thinking about as she walked to the flower shop was about her past, when she was 18, then her thoughts go back to her life now, she just goes very back and forth with her thinking, it seems like she has no one to talk to and open to about what she thinks and what she feels. Each character is in their own little world, but each of these individual worlds result in this one world the live in, its a unique work of art.


Sofia’s journey to Baruch

As I stepped out of my house, I got a feeling of contentment and happiness because the warm hair hit me right in the face, surprisingly it wasn’t that cold fall air. I walked to the corner of my house to get on the Q47 bus and later get on the E train. After a couple stops on the bus, I finally got off on Roosevelt and rushed down the stairs to get on the next arriving E train. When the train arrived I felt even more happy because I actually managed to get a seat, mind you there is never a seat available, usually there isn’t even space to get on the train. It’s like trying to fit and push all your socks into your drawer. I got off the train at Lexington and speed walked to transfer to the downtown 6 train. When I got on the train I felt distracted because there was a big brolic guy standing right in front of me wearing this muscle shirt that read “straight outta the gym”, I found that quite hilarious. Another thing that I saw was this guy wearing converse, they looked fairly new, not worn out, blue jeans that weren’t worm out wither, and a normal white t shirt. He was calling out to everyone that that train to give him any spare change for something to eat or a hot meal.  That was pretty baffling because this guy probably has money to afford the clothes he was wearing, yet he was going around asking people for money. I was only on the 6 train for 4 stops but this had me so distracted because you really get to observe how different and interesting people really are. 23st station, and I rushed out the train hoping I could have time to buy a quick coffee. Luckily, the line wasn’t long so I went inside but there was a customer ahead of me that kept talking to the cashier, it was annoying me because a line started to form behind me and the cashier kept the conversation going.  Once the cashier realized there was actually a long line she asked me if I was ready to order. After waiting about 3 minutes for my coffee I rushed into Baruch College and flew upstairs to get to English class.


MoMa assignment


The work of art that I seemed most interested in is called “Fire in the Evening”1929 by Paul Klee. Paul Klee was born in Switzerland in 1879 and died in 1940. Klee came up with the idea for this painting during his winter Egypt trip in 1928-29;inspired by striated compositions, cliffs of the Nile Valley and long strips of tilled fields. Klee created this piece by oil colors on cardboard. A red rectangle which is on the middle right of the piece stands out most because of its bright color as opposed to the other colors and shapes of the other figures. The other colors are these band like figures which consist of colors between brown, green, violet, blues, grays etc. Klee says that these works “moved far from Nature. And found their way back to reality.”

Not only did this piece stand out to me because of its contrast in colors but because it reminds me of the average lifestyle of a busy New Yorker. Sometimes it’s good to just sit and really take in what surrounds you, specifically living in New York. People here are wrapped in and caught up in their own busy lives and they never observe and really reflect about whats around them. We live in such a busy fast paced environment that we don’t ever snap out of that idea of “reality” and just stare at our surroundings. The darker tiles in the art work that are moving horiztonatlly represent society, people moving quickly from place to place to try to get to their destination. The dark colors represent the seriousness, depression, and tiredness that I notice many people in New York tend to have. You barely ever see someone walking down the street with a natural smile on their face. People are usually walking and smoking a cigarette or have their headphones in, ignoring the world, or looking down and are speed walking across the street with a cup of coffee in their hands. That red rectangle in the middle of the piece represents that awakening that people should do, that “eye-opener”. I think everyone should sit down at a park in Manhattan and just watch the world go by for a little while and really observe the world. That red triangle could signify the observer sitting in that park. Similar to hat Klee said about his own piece, “moved far from nature”, New York nature is a busy productive life, so being that red rectangle sitting in the park could be your move away from nature, because eventually you will find your way back into the New York reality.


Discourse on the logic of language

The connection between the narrative and the poem is very remarkable because the poem is sort of like an interpretation of the narrative and how Douglass was able to educate himself and other slaves simply by learning how to read and write. Learning how to read and write is kind of like learning a new language, you’re learning these new words and learning how to pronounce and write them is equivalent to learning a new language. In the narrative, when Sophia Auld started teaching Douglass how to read, her husband Hugh immediately put an end to it because he said that educating a slave makes them unmanageable. Ever since her husband told her, her attitude completely changed towards Douglass, she went from this caring and helpful person to this unkind and cruel person. This did not stop Douglass, through all his struggles as a slave he continued teaching himself how to read and write, thats where he really began to open his eyes and realize the actual cruelty in slavery. He started this mini movement among the slaves where he taught them how to read and in a sense he started educating them. In the poem, there is a part where she says , “if they cannot speak to each other then they cannot then form rebellion and revolution”, the slaveowners knew that if the slaves educated themselves they would rebel. Douglass’s goal was exactly that, to teach the slaves and sort of enlighten them, which will eventually cause a revolution. I think that the poem in a way sums up what Douglass was trying to do from the perspective of another slave. The narrator of the poem is a slave that expresses his or her own point of view or experience as Douglass began has teaching of writing and reading. Both the narrative and the poem connect because the poem is a literary interpretation of the experience in learning something new and going against your high power and how the learning process really felt like.


The Lamb and The Tyger Assignment

“The Lamb” and “The Tyger” seem to both be similar in a way that there are certain questions that are being asked throughout most of the poems, “who created such a creature?”,”how can that creator have thought of something so beautiful or horrid”? Although both poems are discussing the complexity of both creations, there is this unanswered question of why did the creator make these creations in this particular way? Is it to embrace the beauty and goodness of the creator or to show the horrid and evil creations of man that are unexplainable? Both poems relate to Frankenstein in which there is a particular creature that sets so many questions as to why or how and what is the meaning of this creation. I learned that the Monster from Frankenstein is not exactly this”monster” how most of the characters we encounter in the story say he is, he is really this lifeless and lonely individual who seeks a normal life involved with love and companionship. From the exterior I picture the monster to be as how the media have made him many years ago, as this giant green zombie looking creature with a scare on his forehead and these broad shoulders and that one lazy eye, anyone that comes across something like that will immediately get terrified and think its an evil monster. As I got to know more about the monster I figured that in the inside he isn’t this horrible and evil monster I thought he was, he actually is someone who simply seeks someone or something to build and share a life with.

In the text Frankenstein, anyone who sees the monster immediately rejects him or fears him because of his appearance, throughout the entire time he is alive he lives a life full of rejection and hate. While in both poems by William Blake the speaker is questioning such creations and trying to get an answer is to why these creations are the way they are. I think all three texts are similar in the way that there is something were just to figure out about these creations. Blake builds up this idea of nature is being a work of art, and that in a certain way it must have a reflection of its creator. There is a possibility that Victor might have created this monster as a reflection os himself and how his life has been. In the poems, it seems to me that the creator of these animals is God or possibly a God-like thing. These animals can be a reflection of God because of its beauty and mystery that cannot be answered and explained, we just accept it as it is. How an animal or a monster was made so perfect or symmetrical is a creation of god because of its complexity. When the monster in Frankenstein was finally complete and alive, Victor was so proud and he described it to be this beautiful creature because it is his own, or possibly a reflection of him. When something is your own you tend to find it so beautiful and has no flaws. The poems and Frankenstein both have this concept in which there is a creation that cannot be fully or completely explained but its a representation of the creator or of something beautiful that represents goodness or evil.