Tag Archives: Boycotts

U of California Tells Nature Publishing Group It May Boycott

The University of California is balking at the 400 percent price increase that Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is proposing for next year. UC is telling NPG that unless the publisher is willing to negotiate a more reasonable price, UC might drop all NPG subscriptions and encourage its researchers to stop submitting new articles and reviewing others.

More details at:

Howard, Jennifer. “U. of California Tries Just Saying No to Rising Journal Costs.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 8 Jun. 2010. Web.

Salo, Dorothea. “California Throws the Gauntlet in NPG’s Face.” Book of Troogol, 8 Jun. 2010. Web.

Strong, Gary. “Possible Boycott of Nature Publishing Group Journals: an Open Letter from Gary Strong, University Librarian, to UCLA Faculty.” Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library Blog, 8 Jun. 2010. Web.

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