Experience is more important

Although knowledge attains from books can be useful, knowledge gains from experience is more practical and flexible as stated in Locke’s essay that education is based on experience from reflection and sensation. In addition, Mary Shelly’s monster in Frankenstein reinforces this idea by illustrating how the monster quickly adopts to the human culture by exploring and experimenting his surrounding.

One thought on “Experience is more important”

  1. What’s Good:

    1- You have a theory text and a literary text.
    2- You make a claim


    1- My biggest concern is your reading of Locke. Where does he talk about books in the part we read? I don’t know that your understanding of experience is the same thing as Locke’s understanding of experience.

    2- I am not quite sure that your application of the idea in Shelley is complete. If your claim is that experience is a better teacher than you have to not just talk about the positive parts of the monster’s learning by experience, you have to also compare that to the education by books (for the Monster and Frankenstein and maybe Elizabeth).

    3- You still need a “so what.”

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