Finding One’s Own Way: Methodology

Our ASM will teach an understanding of the city and its streets on the way to the destination. This will all be depending on the individual’s actual motivation to reach the goal or in this case, the destination, which is an additional lesson for this ASM. It will also help our students learn about their partners and how to use teamwork to reach a shared objective. The students themselves would do the teaching, as they are educating themselves by choosing their own paths and following their own intuitions to find the landmark hints we will give them. The city will also help with the teaching by making students pay attention to their surroundings and increase their sense of direction. Our ASM will take place in the city; it will start at 59th street Maison Kayser and end at 74th street Maison Kayser. We chose Maison Kayser because as a group we have never heard of this cafe. This cafe is also not as mainstream as Starbucks or Paris Baguette. Our ASM will take place at 12pm noon on a Sunday because that is usually a lively time and day in the city and hopefully the amount of people on the streets will throw our students off and make it harder for them to find a way to Maison Kayser. Also, if our students get lost, they would need a good amount of time to get there before it gets dark. For the group that will receive strict directions, we will have to prepare a printout of these directions and a map to give to them. As for the group without the map or directions, we will need to take pictures of certain landmarks to give them hints. We will need two cameras to record each group during their journey to the destination.


  1. Meet up as a group one day that is separate from the day of our ASM and we will basically go through the process our students will go through for ourselves.
  2. Half of our group, Kelly and Angela, will determine which landmarks and buildings to use.
  3. This half will also take pictures using our cameras of these landmarks and buildings and print them out.
  4. The other half, Gabrielle and Ariane, will Google and print out directions from Maison Kayser 59th St. to Maison Kayser 74th St.
  5. This half will also walk the set path with directions to determine the time limit to place on our student pair.
  6. After determining the time it takes to get there by directions, we will add thirty minutes to that for the time limit to give them some leeway in the case of any disruption.
  7. Schedule a Sunday that works for all the group members, as well as our students.
  8. Meet up on that day at Maison Kayser near Columbus Circle.
  9. Explain our project to our students and distribute the materials to each pair.
  10. Divide the groups and introduce each student to their partners.
  11. Then we will divide the pairs among the members of our group. Kelly and Angela will follow and film the pair without directions or a map. Gabrielle and Ariane will follow and film the pair with directions.
  12. We will confiscate the phones from all students to make sure they do not cheat.
  13. We will give Kelly and Angela’s group a five minute head start to make sure they do not follow the group with directions.
  14. The students will begin walking and we will begin recording.
  15. When everyone reaches the destination, we will discuss what all of the students learned about the city, each other, and themselves. This will determine the success of our ASM.
  16. We will also ask them if they liked the project and ask if they have any suggestions on what we could have done differently. We will include these statements in our paper.
  17. Then when everything relating to our ASM is done, we will eat to celebrate and as a reward for all of the walking!

One thought on “Finding One’s Own Way: Methodology”

  1. This is good. What I love is how you are thinking ahead, how you will actually walk out the route yourselves before hand and that you will add 30 minutes to that time.

    I think your project is shaping up. Just two things:

    1) I think you probably want to go ahead and find your participants and schedule your Sunday now b/c there aren’t really that many Sundays left in the semester. You don’t want to wait until people’s schedules are all booked up. You can always get it on the calendar while you’re still working out details.

    2) I’m still a little uncertain about the point of having one group have directions and the other not have directions. I mean I guess I’m not sure what the group with direction is supposed to learn? Is there something specific about the city that these groups are supposed to both learn regardless of their directions? Right now it feels as if you want them to just experience the city. On the one hand I think it’s good to have a “just this one thing” objective. On the other hand “just experience the city” seems too broad. I would suggest asking if there is anything in particular about this route or this part of time that you want them to learn. I still think the idea of a scavenger hunt might help. Like maybe there are 4-6 things you want them to gather (as pictures or what not) in their trip and that those things are indicative of them noticing or experiencing some part of the city that you really wanted them to experience.

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