malcolm/Bach Focus

This is a peer response to  J.abdullah Thesis exercise titled Malcolm X the Buccaneer Scholar. When reading about how Malcolm x and him reeducating himself while incarcerated, the very first thing the came to mind was this idea of self education as in the Buccaneer Scholar. The connection I made with both stories was that they taught them selves what they wanted to focus on. The 2 stories only share that in common since Bach only focused on a particular topic of interest he enjoyed learning about, while Malcolm reeducated himself to better combat society and be more intellectual, it was his duty to know more. The point that J.abdullah made that ‘the best way to learn is by teaching yourself ‘ I do agree with to a degree.  I do believe that everyone should have a foundation of knowledge first like English, Math, History, Philosophy but after a while if a person wants to focus on one particular subject that they find a interest in then a person should focus on that topic mainly. Especially if that topic is something they want to peruse as a career,  it would make sense to focus all of your energy into something you are interested in. The likely hood of you being successful in something you like is more possible since your energy and interest will be fully committed to the subject.